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How Can I Modify The Fusioncharts's Caption With Js?

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Dear Sir:


I try to use FusionCharts .The first,I create a chart,then I press butoon try to modify the chart's caption.

My code like this:


<head runat="server">
   <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/fusionchart/FusionCharts.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">

       var json2 = {
           "chart": {
               "palette": "5",
               "caption": "this is old title",
               "subcaption": "look it's me",
               "datastreamurl": "rndNumber.ashx",
               "refreshinterval": "3",
               "numberprefix": "$",
               "snumberprefix": "$",
               "setadaptiveymin": "1",
               "setadaptivesymin": "1",

               "showrealtimevalue": "1",
               "labeldisplay": "Rotate",
               "slantlabels": "1",
               "numdisplaysets": "100",
               "labelstep": "2",
               "pyaxisminvalue": "0",
               "pyaxismaxvalue": "100",
               "syaxisminvalue": "0",
               "syaxismaxvalue": "100"

           "dataset": [
           "seriesname": "Google",
           "showvalues": "0"
           "styles": {
               "definition": [
               "type": "font",
               "name": "captionFont",
               "size": "14"

   <form id="form1" runat="server">
   <div id="chartContainer">
       FusionCharts will load here!</div>
   <div id="chartGauas">
   <script type="text/javascript">

       var chart1 = new FusionCharts(
            { swfUrl: "../../js/fusionchart/RealTimeLineDY.swf",
                width: "600",
                height: "250",
                id: 'sampleChart'


       function myclick() {
           // chart1.width = 800;
           json2.chart.caption ='Now!Change!!!';

       // -->       

   <input type="button" value="changeCaption" onclick='myclick();' />



but,I failed!

how can I modifty the caption dymically?




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Guest Sashibhusan



Thank you for the post.


Could you please try below modified code to update the chart attributes dynamically?

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/fusionchart/FusionCharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

   	var json2 = {
       	"chart": {
           	"palette": "5",
           	"caption": "this is old title",
           	"subcaption": "look it's me",
           	"datastreamurl": "rndNumber.ashx",
           	"refreshinterval": "3",
           	"numberprefix": "$",
           	"snumberprefix": "$",
           	"setadaptiveymin": "1",
           	"setadaptivesymin": "1",

           	"showrealtimevalue": "1",
           	"labeldisplay": "Rotate",
           	"slantlabels": "1",
           	"numdisplaysets": "100",
           	"labelstep": "2",
           	"pyaxisminvalue": "0",
           	"pyaxismaxvalue": "100",
           	"syaxisminvalue": "0",
           	"syaxismaxvalue": "100"

       	"dataset": [
       	"seriesname": "Google",
       	"showvalues": "0"
       	"styles": {
           	"definition": [
           	"type": "font",
           	"name": "captionFont",
           	"size": "14"

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div>
<div id="chartGauas">
<script type="text/javascript">
   	var chart1 = new FusionCharts(
        	{ swfUrl: "../../js/fusionchart/RealTimeLineDY.swf",
            	width: "600",
            	height: "250",
            	id: 'sampleChart'

  	/* function myclick() {
		// chart1.width = 800;
		json2.chart.caption ='Now!Change!!!';

	function myclick() {
		// get chart reference
		var chartReference = FusionCharts( "sampleChart" ); 
		// change palette, palette colors and set glass effect to chart
		chartReference.setChartAttribute( {"caption" : "Now!Change!!!"} );
   	// -->   	
<input type="button" value="changeCaption" onclick='myclick();' />


For more information on "Changing Chart Properties", please follow the link below:


Hope this helps!

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Thank you for the post.


Could you please try below modified code to update the chart attributes dynamically?

For more information on "Changing Chart Properties", please follow the link below:



Hope this helps!


Hi,thanks you answer!!!I try to this code ,but failed too. my code use:

Current Version:FusionWidgets XT (v3.2) (Released on 24th January, 2012)


this is all my code!

       <form id="form1" runat="server"> 
       <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> 
       <div id="chartGauas"> 
       <script type="text/javascript">
           var chart1 = new FusionCharts(
               { swfUrl: "../../js/fusionchart/RealTimeLineDY.swf",
                   width: "600",
                   height: "250",
                   id: 'sampleChart'

               chart1.setDataXML('<chart manageResize="1" caption="CPU Usage" bgColor="000000" bgAlpha="100" canvasBorderThickness="1" canvasBorderColor="008040" canvasBgColor="000000" yAxisMaxValue="100" decimals="0" numdivlines="9" numVDivLines="28" numDisplaySets="30" divLineColor="008040" vDivLineColor="008040" divLineAlpha="100" chartLeftMargin="10" baseFontColor="00dd00" showRealTimeValue="0" numberSuffix="%" labelDisplay="rotate" slantLabels="1" toolTipBgColor="000000" toolTipBorderColor="008040" baseFontSize="11" showAlternateHGridColor="0" legendBgColor="000000" legendBorderColor="008040" legendPadding="35" showLabels="1"> <categories> <category label="Start"/> </categories> <dataset color="00dd00" seriesName="Processor A" showValues="0" alpha="100" anchorAlpha="0" lineThickness="2"> <set value="0" /> </dataset> <dataset color="ff5904" seriesName="Processor B" showValues="0" alpha="100" anchorAlpha="0" lineThickness="2"> <set value="0" /> </dataset> </chart>');
           /* function myclick() { 
           // chart1.width = 800; 
           json2.chart.caption ='Now!Change!!!'; 

           function myclick() {
               // get chart reference 
               var chartReference = FusionCharts("sampleChart");
               // change palette, palette colors and set glass effect to chart 
               chartReference.setChartAttribute({ "caption": "Now!Change!!!" });
               chartReference.setChartAttribute( { "palette" : "2"});
              // chart1.render("chartContainer");
           // -->           

       <input type="button" value="changeCaption" onclick='myclick();' /> 

the attach file is end ,file name 1.html in test foler. 


Is something wrong about me?




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