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Registered Mssplinearea Html5 Not Working

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I've been testing with a trial version of FusionCharts that I've downloaded this week ( @version fusioncharts/3.2.2-servicerelease1.4190) , this version just work fine.


Yesterday I've got the registered version and now it is not. ( * @version fusioncharts/3.2.1.release.2157) The Flash rederers fine, but no HTML when I disable my Flash plugin (or on ipad). Not even in a very simple page that is working with the trial that I have:

This is my code:


 <title>Response Lapse</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js">
<div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
 var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSSplineArea.swf", "myChartId", "550", "280", "0", "1");
 // -->         






<chart xAxisName='Datum ingestuurd' yAxisName='Aantal vragenlijsten' baseFontColor="676767" baseFont="arial" baseFontSize="10"  showvlinelabelborder="0"
showBorder="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" formatNumberScale="0" showLegend="0" plotGradientColor=" " labelstep="3" labelDisplay=" " showValues="0" 
showAlternateHGridColor='0' divLineIsDashed='1' divLineDashLen='1' divLineDashGap='2' >
   <category label="12-09-2011" />
   <category label="13-09-2011" />
   <category label="14-09-2011" />
   <category label="15-09-2011" />
   <category label="16-09-2011" />
   <category label="17-09-2011" />
   <category label="18-09-2011" />
   <category label="19-09-2011" />
   <category label="20-09-2011" />
   <category label="21-09-2011" />
   <category label="22-09-2011" />
<category label="23-09-2011" />
   <category label="24-09-2011" />
   <category label="25-09-2011" />
   <vLine color='black' thickness='2' label="Mailing 1" />
   <category label="26-09-2011" />
   <category label="27-09-2011" />
   <category label="28-09-2011" />
   <category label="29-09-2011" />
   <category label="30-09-2011" />
   <category label="01-10-2011" />
   <category label="02-10-2011" />
   <category label="03-10-2011" />
 <dataset SeriesName="p1" color="3466cd">
   <set value="0" toolText="12-09-2011{br}0 vragenlijst(en)" />
   <set value="2171" toolText="13-09-2011{br}2171 vragenlijst(en)"  />
   <set value="639" />
   <set value="478" />
   <set value="330" />
   <set value="18" />
   <set value="19" />
   <set value="424" />
   <set value="469" />
   <set value="395" />
   <set value="402" />
   <set value="272" />
   <set value="13" />
   <set value="11" />
   <set value="231" />
   <set value="117" />
   <set value="80" />
   <set value="79"  />
   <set value="44" />
   <set value="1" />
   <set value="3"  />
   <set value="27" />


Console ouput is in att:



Bottomline: How do I fix this? Is this because the registered version is received yesterday is an old one?!

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Guest Sashibhusan



Thank you for the post.


With regard to your issue, could you please confirm what JavaScript files (as like FusionCharts.js file) you have included in your application folder?


Since you have mentioned that you are using registered files for older version of FusionCharts V3.2.1.release.2157, you need to include highcharts.js along with jquery.min.js in your application folder where FusionCharts.js file is present, to render the chart in JavaScript mode (on iPad).


Awaiting your response!

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Thank you for the post.


With regard to your issue, could you please  confirm what JavaScript files (as like FusionCharts.js file) you have  included in your application folder?


Since you have mentioned that you are using registered files for older version of  FusionCharts V3.2.1.release.2157, you need  to include highcharts.js along with jquery.min.js in your application  folder where FusionCharts.js file is present, to render the chart in JavaScript mode (on iPad).


Awaiting your response!



Dear sir, i can not understand very well, could you desicrble more?

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Guest Sashibhusan



With regards to your issue, let me make myself very clear that, for rendering any Charts using PowerCharts V3.2.1, you need the corresponding SWF file and JavaScript files (FusionCharts.js, highcharts.js and jquery.min.js) which you need to copy and paste in your application folder.


Please find the screen shot of the folder structure of one simple application for your reference.


Also I am afraid, I am able to render the chart in JavaScript mode using your code posted. Please find the attached screen shot for the same for your reference.


Since the code you provided is to render MSSplineArea chart which is coming under PowerCharts pack, you need to have the download package of PowerCharts.


So could you please download the latest version of PowerCharts from the link provided to you during subscription and try once again using the latest files?


Hope this helps!


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