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Using Fusion Charts Xt With Power Charts Issue

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I was previously using a evaluation copy of Fusion charts XT. and I downloaded the lasted Fusion Suite to use the radar chart from Power Charts.

I included the Radar.swf file and FusionCharts.HC.PowerCharts.js file from the Charts folder of the Power charts package into my own projects charts directory (which has othe swf and js file for fusion charts).


When I try to run I get some error in the js files (from the firebug console) related to FusionCharts,HC.js..


Are the common js files in each package of charts unique to that package?


I even tried to use the whole powerCharts package by adding the other js file from other packages but its still gives me error?


Is there an issue running fusionCharts XT with PowerCharts in same project?


Thanks in Advance..

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Guest Bindhu



Thank you for the post.


The common JavaScript files are not unique to the packages but can be used interchangeably.


I followed your steps to replicate the bug but in vain.


I used all the files from the FusionCharts XT SR3 package and only the Radar.swf and the FusionCharts.HC.PowerCharts.js from the PowerCharts package.


No errors seen. Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered both in Flash mode and in JavaScript mode.


Hope this helps!



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