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Angulargauge Value At On Pointer

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I am working on Angulargauge. I have 10 values "0 to 10",


& I want to display label at pointer


"showValue" : "1",

"valuebelowpivot": "1"


Using this value display like 0,1,2 but actually I want to display label


stock for 0,

book for 1,


& also display value at pointer.




"valuey": "250"


Using this property i am able to fix the location but when i change the value using following code


getChartFromId("myChartId").feedData("&value=9") ;


Value change but the label position not change.


I want to display label of that particular value on top of pointer. How should i do this????



Edited by sagar21789

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Guest Bindhu

Hi Sagar,


Can you please share the XML data and a sample image of your requirement for better comprehension?

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Hi Sagar,


Can you please share the XML data and a sample image of your requirement for better comprehension?



Here I am attaching two images....


As the value changes to 65 I want to display label on pointer as "booked",

If value changes to 20 I want to display label on pointer as "open",

similar to other values

My Json code is



"chart": {

"manageresize": "1",

"origw": "340",

"origh": "340",

"bgcolor": "FFFFFF",

"upperlimit": "100",

"lowerlimit": "0",

"showlimits": "1",

"basefontcolor": "666666",

"majortmnumber": "11",

"majortmcolor": "666666",

"majortmheight": "8",

"minortmnumber": "5",

"minortmcolor": "666666",

"minortmheight": "3",

"pivotradius": "20",

"showgaugeborder": "0",

"gaugeouterradius": "100",

"gaugeinnerradius": "90",

"gaugeoriginx": "170",

"gaugeoriginy": "170",

"gaugestartangle": "250",

"gaugeendangle": "-70",

"placevaluesinside": "1",

"gaugefillmix": "",

"pivotfillmix": "{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}",

"pivotbordercolor": "BEBCB0",

"pivotfillratio": "80,20",

"showshadow": "0",


"showgaugelabels": "1",

"valueabovepointer": "1",

"pointerontop": "1",


"showValue" : "1",

"showdisplayValue" : "1",

"valuebelowpivot": "1"



"colorrange": {

"color": [


"minvalue": "0",

"maxvalue": "80",

"code": "00FF00",

"alpha": "0"



"minvalue": "80",

"maxvalue": "100",

"code": "FF0000",

"alpha": "50"




"dials": {

"dial": [


"value": "20",

"displayValue" : "open",

"bordercolor": "FFFFFF",

"bgcolor": "bebcb0, f0efea, bebcb0",

"borderalpha": "0",

"basewidth": "10",

"topwidth": "3"




"annotations": {

"groups": [


"x": "170",

"y": "170",

"items": [


"type": "circle",

"x": "0",

"y": "0",

"radius": "150",

"bordercolor": "bebcb0",

"fillasgradient": "1",

"fillcolor": "f0efea, bebcb0",

"fillratio": "85,15"



"type": "circle",

"x": "0",

"y": "0",

"radius": "120",

"fillcolor": "bebcb0, f0efea",

"fillratio": "85,15"



"type": "circle",

"x": "0",

"color": "FFFFFF",

"y": "0",

"radius": "100",

"bordercolor": "f0efea"








I have tried some properties but it doesn't work.


To change the value i used


getChartFromId("angulargaugeId").feedData("&value="+val) ;


Using this pointer & value change but I want to change the value lable & it must be display on pointer.



Is there any way to do this.


Thanks and Regards




Edited by sagar21789

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