zuzudog Report post Posted July 3, 2012 I'm new to Fusion charts so if this is something obvious then rack it up to learning... While it editMode I would like to have the pointer only "select" values is $500 increments. In the example below my range of values are 2,500 to 50,000. Using the pointer a user could only select 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,000, etc. So far I haven't found an attribute that will allow me to do this. Any ideas? <chart manageResize="1" origW="450" oriH="125" editMode="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" upperLimit="50000" lowerLimit="2500" numberPrefix="$" gaugeRoundRadius="5" chartBottomMargin="30" ticksBelowGauge="0" placeTicksInside="0" showGaugeLabels="0" pointerOnTop="1" pointerRadius="14" chartLeftMargin="25" chartRightMargin="30" majorTMColor="868F9B" majorTMHeight="10" majorTMThickness="2" pointerBgAlpha="0" pointerBorderThickness="2" majorTMNumber="1000" minorTMNumber="0" showToolTip="0" decimals="0"> <colorRange><color minValue="2500" maxValue="50000" code="F6BD0F" /></colorRange> <pointers><pointer value="2500"/></pointers> <annotations><annotationGroup id="Grp1" showBelow="1"><annotation type="rectangle" x="$chartStartX+2" y="$chartStartY+2" toX="$chartEndX-5" toY="$chartEndY-5" radius="10" fillColor="D6E0F6" fillAngle="90" borderColor="868F9B" borderThickness="2"/></annotationGroup></annotations> <styles> <definition> <style name="ValueFont" type="Font" bgColor="333333" size="10" color="FFFFFF"/><style name="RectShadow" type="Shadow" strength="3"/> </definition> <application><apply toObject="VALUE" styles="valueFont"/><apply toObject="Grp1" styles="RectShadow" /></application></styles> </chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bindhu Report post Posted July 4, 2012 Hi, Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum Thank you for the post. Can you please let us know the chart type that you are currently using along with the version? Also, please share screen shots and sample images of your requirement for better comprehension. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bindhu Report post Posted July 4, 2012 Hi, You may try using the majorTMNumber attribute and set it to 91 with width set to 6000 and height set to 100. Hope this helps! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zuzudog Report post Posted July 6, 2012 (edited) I guess I didn't explain it very well. I'm using a HLinearGauge to allow users to select a range of values, in this case currency. They are selecting what cost they would like to purchase an insurance policy. My linear gauge works fine, I can use the pointer to slide back and forth and select a currency value. No problem. However, the values that show up are not values that the policy supports. For example, I can select a value of 24,289 (see screenshot). I don’t want that I would like either 24,000 or 24,500. So I would like to force the linear gauge to only select increments of $500. So, …, $15,000, $15,500, $16,000, $16,500,… I've attached a screenshot of what my linear gauge currrently looks like. Edited July 6, 2012 by zuzudog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swarnam Report post Posted July 7, 2012 Hey, It will not be possible using FusionWidgets currently. Tick marks are the calibration marks on the horizontal scale to help interpret the reading. Tick marks are displayed into smaller units helping in better visual data interpretation.So,it will not be possible to force the Linear gauge to select the tick values in predeined increments. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites