Multi Series Spline Chart: Canvas Shadow

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I can't seem to get a canvas shadow on my muti-series spline chart. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code:



chart: {

bgcolor: "ffffff",

bgAlpha: "0",

valuePadding: "5",

canvasBgColor: "f4f3f3,d9d9d9",

canvasBorderColor: "ffffff",

canvasBgAngle: "120",

showAlternateHGridColor: "0",

canvasBgRatio: "50,50",

canvasBorderAlpha: "0",

divLineColor: "6E6E6E"


styles: {

definition: [{

name: "canvasShadow",

type: "shadow",

angle: "180",

color: "ffffff",

distance: "10",

alpha: "70"


application: [{

toobject: "canvas",

styles: "canvasShadow"



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Guest Bindhu

I can't seem to get a canvas shadow on my muti-series spline chart. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code:



chart: {

bgcolor: "ffffff",

bgAlpha: "0",

valuePadding: "5",

canvasBgColor: "f4f3f3,d9d9d9",

canvasBorderColor: "ffffff",

canvasBgAngle: "120",

showAlternateHGridColor: "0",

canvasBgRatio: "50,50",

canvasBorderAlpha: "0",

divLineColor: "6E6E6E"


styles: {

definition: [{

name: "canvasShadow",

type: "shadow",

angle: "180",

color: "ffffff",

distance: "10",

alpha: "70"


application: [{

toobject: "canvas",

styles: "canvasShadow"






The shadow is there but it is not visible as the bgColor and the shadowColor is the same.


Please change either of these colors to see the shadow.


Also, please set bgAlpha to a value more than 0.


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered with the above settings applied.


Hope this helps!


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