
Fusionchart Trendline Inverted

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We have a page that has numerous FusionCharts on it - they all use the same code and just use dynamic values for the start/end points, etc. One of them is not rendering the trendlines properly. image.jpg. The XML is below. There is no reason for it.


<chart exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportFileName='Energy Percent GSF-GSM Outsourced' exportHandler='fcExporter1' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' gaugestartAngle='225' gaugeendAngle='-45' lowerLimit='0.6' upperLimit='100.0' majorTMNumber='11' adjustTM='0' majorTMThickness='2' majorTMColor='F48900' majorTMHeight='15' minorTMNumber='4' minorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='000000' minorTMHeight='12' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeOuterRadius='128' gaugeInnerRadius='128' baseFontColor='000000' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='11' showShadow='0' pivotRadius='20' pivotFillColor='000000,F48900' pivotFillType='linear' pivotFillRatio='60,40' pivotFillAngle='240' annRenderDelay='0' lowerLimitDisplay='0.6 (Min)' upperLimitDisplay='100.0 (Max)' tickValueDistance='19' chartLeftMargin='15'><trendpoints><point startValue='0.6' endValue='89.0' radius='120' innerRadius='0' color='F48900' alpha='35' showBorder='0'/><point startValue='43.5882908905' displayValue='AVG' color='00CC00' thickness='3' alpha='200' valueInside='0' radius='105' /></trendpoints><dials><dial value='0' color='E70E00' borderColor='E70E00' baseWidth='15' topWidth='1' radius='85' /></dials><styles><definition><style name='pivotGlow' type='glow' color='F48900' blurX='15' blurY='15' alpha='60'/><style name='circleBlur' type='blur'/><style name='TTipFont' type='font' color='F48900' bgColor='000000' borderColor='F48900' font='Verdana' size='10'/></definition><application><apply toObject='PIVOT' styles='pivotGlow'/><apply toObject='Grp1' styles='circleBlur'/><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TTipFont'/></application></styles></chart>

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Guest Bindhu



We are looking into it and would get back to you as soon as possible.

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