
How To Make Annotations Transparent And Yet To Cover The Linear Gauge?

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I want to make the annotations of the linear gauge transparent , i took the following example





but when I set the alpha or the fillAlpha of the annotation to 0 it disappears and the shape of the linear gauge become a simple rectangle



so how can i make the circle annotation to cover the linear gauge rectangle but stay transparent to the background I'm displaying the whole chart on?


Thanks ahead,



Edited by Vedmack

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Guest Bindhu



Please share the sample image of your requirement.


If you need a similar chart as is on the link that you have provided, you may obtain the same from the very same link.


Also, please share the XML data that you are currently using.

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Here the sample image


I want to make that blue circle (created by annotation) to cover the linear gauge rectangle and to be transaprent


but if I use "alpha" : "0", the circle disappears , I don't want to make the circle colored in white or other color , cause the background of the chart is colored in gradient color and it could be changed later on



here is my code


		var chartData = {
			"chart": {
				"manageresize": "1",
				"lowerlimit": "0",
				"upperlimit": "100",
				"showborder": "0",
				"valuepadding": "0",
				"gaugefillmix": "",
				"showgaugeborder": "0",
				"pointerontop": "0",
				"pointerradius": "5",
				"pointerbordercolor": "000000",
				"pointerbgcolor": "000000",
				"annrenderdelay": "0",
				"showshadow": "0",
				"minortmnumber": "0",
				"basefontcolor": "000000",
				"animation": "0",
				"showValue": "0",
				"showTickMarks": "0",
				"showTickValues": "0",
				"bgAlpha" : '0,0'
			"colorrange": {
				"color": [
						"minvalue": "0",
						"maxvalue": "100",
						"alpha": "0"
			"pointers": {
				"pointer": [
						"value": markValue
			"annotations": {
				"groups": [
						"id": "Grp1",
						//"alpha" : "0",
						"showbelow": "0",
						"x": "$chartCenterX",
						"y": "-25",
						"items": [
								"type": "circle",
								"radius": "50",
								"color": "0000FF"
						"id": "Grp2",
						"showbelow": "1",
						"items": [
								"type": "rectangle",
								"x": "$gaugeStartX",
								"y": "$gaugeStartY",
								"tox": "$gaugeEndX",
								"toy": "$gaugeEndY",
								"fillcolor": "678000,FCEF27,E00000"

		chartReference = new FusionCharts("HLinearGauge", chartID, "100", "50", "0", "0");



Thanks ahead,




Edited by Vedmack

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Guest Bindhu



Try setting alpha to a little higher value, say 30.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Bindhu



I am afraid, it is not possible.


If you make it transparent, then linear gauge will be see behind the circle annotation.


Hope this clarifies.

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