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Shrikant S

Linked Charts Causing Javascript Errors For Ipad Machine

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I am using Linked charts in 2D PIE chart. We have licence version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr3.5347.


For our site we have one sample PIE chart and that used in iPAD machine. When we opened this chart in lightbox and drill down to last chart and again come back again to main chart we see javascript errors in iPAD error console.


Note: This issue is not observed on any desktop browsers(IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) with different versions


Error messages:

1. TypeError: 'null' is not an object

2. TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object



After this error is seen in console of iPAD almost all functionality are working fine except below:

1. some of slices does not move away from chart and come back again if we click on them.

2. javascript errors increased after every hover on chart.



Could you please try to debug this issue and let us know the solution to fix it?





Edited by Shrikant S

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Anyone had a chance to look into this issue?










I am using Linked charts in 2D PIE chart. We have licence version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr3.5347.


For our site we have one sample PIE chart and that used in iPAD machine. When we opened this chart in lightbox and drill down to last chart and again come back again to main chart we see javascript errors in iPAD error console.


Note: This issue is not observed on any desktop browsers(IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) with different versions


Error messages:

1. TypeError: 'null' is not an object

2. TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object



After this error is seen in console of iPAD almost all functionality are working fine except below:

1. some of slices does not move away from chart and come back again if we click on them.

2. javascript errors increased after every hover on chart.



Could you please try to debug this issue and let us know the solution to fix it?




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Guest Bindhu

Anyone had a chance to look into this issue?






Hi Shrikant,


I am unable to replicate the issue using the XML data that you have shared with us.


I rendered the chart within a HTML div container but not within a lightbox.


Please share a demo project created using a lightbox so that we can test it using an iPad.

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Hi Shrikant,


I am unable to replicate the issue using the XML data that you have shared with us.


I rendered the chart within a HTML div container but not within a lightbox.


Please share a demo project created using a lightbox so that we can test it using an iPad.




Hi Bindhu,


Thanks for responding.


I am attaching sample project in '' without lightbox but with updated .js files required for rendering on iPAD. I tested this sample and it is giving us the error now.


While debugging the error we observed the error occurs in file "FusionCharts.HC.js" and line number 13487.

code where we see error is : chart.mouseIsDown = mouseIsDown = hasDragged = false;

error message: Type message. 'null' is not an object



1. this issue occurs in version '@version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr3.5347' but not in '@version fusioncharts/3.2.2-servicerelease1.4200'

2. to reproduce this issue we have used iPAD with iOS version 5.1. You can also view this issue in later version of iOS.



Steps to reproduce the issue on sample application:

1. Open the chart on iPAD

2. Click on 'Stag1a' --> 'Stag1a awn'

3. Click on item 'a' to move in-out from the chart.

4. Click on 'Back' button

5. Again click on 'Stag1a awn'

6. Again click on item 'a' to move in-out from the chart. It will not work fine. Also we will see javascript errors in debug console if we click/hover on any items on chart. These errors starts increasing if we do any action on chart.



Please let me know if you need further details.




Edited by Shrikant S

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Are you able to replicate the issue on sample?






Hi Bindhu,


Thanks for responding.


I am attaching sample project in '' without lightbox but with updated .js files required for rendering on iPAD. I tested this sample and it is giving us the error now.


While debugging the error we observed the error occurs in file "FusionCharts.HC.js" and line number 13487.

code where we see error is : chart.mouseIsDown = mouseIsDown = hasDragged = false;

error message: Type message. 'null' is not an object



1. this issue occurs in version '@version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr3.5347' but not in '@version fusioncharts/3.2.2-servicerelease1.4200'

2. to reproduce this issue we have used iPAD with iOS version 5.1. You can also view this issue in later version of iOS.



Steps to reproduce the issue on sample application:

1. Open the chart on iPAD

2. Click on 'Stag1a' --> 'Stag1a awn'

3. Click on item 'a' to move in-out from the chart.

4. Click on 'Back' button

5. Again click on 'Stag1a awn'

6. Again click on item 'a' to move in-out from the chart. It will not work fine. Also we will see javascript errors in debug console if we click/hover on any items on chart. These errors starts increasing if we do any action on chart.



Please let me know if you need further details.




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Guest Bindhu



This issue has been fixed internally and the fix would be available in the next service release.


If there are any further developments/changes, I will keep you posted.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks for your help. Any idea when we can expect next service release?


Is there any other way to get this fix urgently without waiting for next service release?






This issue has been fixed internally and the fix would be available in the next service release.


If there are any further developments/changes, I will keep you posted.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Shrikant,


We are unable to provide exact timeline for this.


Our developers are currently working on it. Release can be expected around first quarter of 2013.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Shrikant,


This issue has been resolved in latest version of FusionCharts XT.


Recently, we have released a latest version of FusionCharts XT i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.3.0. It has many bug fixes and improvements.


Could you please re-download and try once again?

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