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Angular/linear Gauge Value Labels Have Border And Background When Not Sepecified

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When I apply a font to VALUE or TRENDVALUES in a linear or angular gauge the value is shown with a border and background even though none is supplied. This is in IE9 Standards mode, using the Flash version of Fusion Widgets 3.2 SR1. Attached is the HTML file demonstrating the issue. Here is my XML:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<chart showAboutMenuItem="0" exportEnabled="0" showPrintMenuItem="0"

showBorder="0" manageResize="1" legendShadow="0" canvasBgAlpha="0"

canvasBGColor="FFFFFF" unescapeLinks="0" bgAlpha="0" bgColor="FFFFFF"

caption="" showToolTip="1" showLegend="0" legendPosition="bottom"

showValue="1" valueBelowPivot="1"

gaugeStartAngle="225" gaugeEndAngle="-45"

showTickValues="1" showTickMarks="0" placeTicksInside="1"



<color code="FFFFFF" minValue="0.0" maxValue="800" alpha="0" borderAlpha="0" />

<color minValue = "800" maxValue="2000" code="00FF00" />

<color code="FFFFFF" minValue="2000.0" maxValue="2000.0" alpha="0" borderAlpha="0" />



<dial value="5513" />



<point startValue="600" color="FF0000" displayValue="Limit" />




<style name="TitleStyle" type="font" isHTML="1" size="8" />

<style name="TextStyle" type="font" size="8" />

<style name="TickValueFont" type="font" size="8" />

<style name="LimitFont" type="font" size="8" />



<apply toObject="Caption" styles="TitleStyle" />

<apply toObject="ToolTip" styles="TextStyle" />


<apply toObject="TICKVALUES" styles="TickValueFont" />

<apply toObject="LIMITVALUES" styles="LimitFont" />

<apply toObject="VALUE" styles="TextStyle" />

<apply toObject="TRENDVALUES" styles="TextStyle" />





Edited by gaude

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