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Linked Maps

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Hi ,


I am trying to generate the linked maps but unsuccessful.Here is my code can anyone please tell where i went wrong





<title>Sample Map</title>



We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.js, which contains functions

to help us easily embed the Maps.




// We've included FusionCharts.js, which helps in

// easy map rendering.


<script language="javascript" src="Include/FusionCharts.js"></script>






//include_once 'Include/FusionCharts.php';


$data = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";

$data = $data . "<map animation='1' showBevel='1' baseFontSize='9' fillAlpha='70' hoverColor='639ACE' borderColor='FFFFFF'>" ;

$data = $data . "<data>";

$data = $data . "<entity id='SA' value='515' link='newchart:FCMap_Brazil.swf-xml-SouthAmerica' />";

$data = $data . "</data>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='SouthAmerica'>" ;

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >" ;

$data = $data . "</map>" ;

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>" ;

$data = $data . "</map>";


FC_SetRenderer( "javascript" );

echo renderChartHTML("Include/FCMap_World.swf","",$data,"WorldMap", 800, 400);





Thanks in advance

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please replace the depricated method "renderChartHTML()" with "renderChart()" method of FusionCharts PHP API?


Your Code:

echo renderChartHTML("Include/FCMap_World.swf","",$data,"WorldMap", 800, 400);


Modified to:

echo renderChart("Include/FCMap_World.swf","",$data,"WorldMap", 800, 400);


Also, could you please confirm, whether you have "FCMap_Brazil.swf" file and corresponding JavaScript Map file "FusionCharts.HC.brazil.js" files in the same folder where "FusionCharts.js" file is present? (In your case "Include" folder of your application)


Since, you have "SouthAmerica" as linked map id, you might have included wrongly "FCMap_Brazil.swf" instead of "FCMap_SouthAmerica.swf". So, please modify your application accordingly and try once again.


Hope this helps!

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here is the modified code





<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="fusioncharts/FusionCharts.HC.australia.js"></SCRIPT>

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="fusioncharts/"></SCRIPT>

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="fusioncharts/FusionCharts.HC.Maps.js"></SCRIPT>







include_once './fusioncharts/FusionCharts.php';


include_once './inc/common.php';



$data = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";


$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9'>";


$data = $data . "<data>";

$data = $data . " <entity id='NA' value='6921900' link='newchart:FCMap_NorthAmerica.swf-xml-NorthAmerica' />";

$data = $data . " <entity id='SA' value='3087120' link='newchart:FCMap_SouthAmerica.swf-xml-SouthAmerica' />";

$data = $data . " <entity id='AS' value='2434120' link='newchart:FCMap_Asia.swf-xml-Asia' />";

$data = $data . " <entity id='EU' value='5093230' link='newchart:FCMap_Europe.swf-xml-Europe' />";

$data = $data . " <entity id='AF' value='1032900' link='newchart:FCMap_Africa.swf-xml-Africa' />";

$data = $data . " <entity id='AU' value='3461230' link='newchart:FCMap_Australia.swf-xml-Australia' />";

$data = $data . "</data>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='Australia'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "<data>";

$data = $data . "<entity id='WA' value='200050' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='NT' value='1509800' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='QU' value='803480' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='SA' value='123000' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='SW' value='548000' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='VI' value='182000' />";

$data = $data . "<entity id='TA' value='94900' />";

$data = $data . "</data>";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";


$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='NorthAmerica'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='SouthAmerica'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='Asia'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='Europe'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";

$data = $data . "<linkeddata id='Africa'>";

$data = $data . "<map borderColor='005879' fillColor='D7F4FF' includeValueInLabels='1' numberPrefix='$' baseFontSize='9' >";

$data = $data . "</map>";

$data = $data . "</linkeddata>";


$data = $data . "</map>";


FC_SetRenderer( "javascript" );

echo renderChartHTML("fusioncharts/FCMap_World.swf","",$data, "SalesMap", 750, 500);







  On 12/24/2012 at 6:17 AM, Sashibhusan said:



Could you please replace the depricated method "renderChartHTML()" with "renderChart()" method of FusionCharts PHP API?


Your Code:

echo renderChartHTML("Include/FCMap_World.swf","",$data,"WorldMap", 800, 400);


Modified to:

echo renderChart("Include/FCMap_World.swf","",$data,"WorldMap", 800, 400);


Also, could you please confirm, whether you have "FCMap_Brazil.swf" file and corresponding JavaScript Map file "FusionCharts.HC.brazil.js" files in the same folder where "FusionCharts.js" file is present? (In your case "Include" folder of your application)


Since, you have "SouthAmerica" as linked map id, you might have included wrongly "FCMap_Brazil.swf" instead of "FCMap_SouthAmerica.swf". So, please modify your application accordingly and try once again.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sashibhusan



No need to link all the JavaScript files individually in the <script></script> tag.


You only need to include "FusionCharts.js" in <script> tag and rest all JavaScript files will automatically load by FusionCharts.js, whenever required.


You would just need to keep all the dependency JavaScript files in the same folder where your FusionCharts.js file is present.


Also, as I have already mentioned in the previous post, please use the latest "renderChart()" method as "renderChartHTML()" is deprecated FusionCharts XT PHP API.


Hope this helps!

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