
Reset Categories Displayed In Legend

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I attach an example that uses a spider chat, but this question is broader than just that chart type.


When the data is rendered, you can click on the series 1-4 and the plot is hidden. Our users have asked that instead of hiding the plot that is clicked, we hide all others. This would allow them to focus on that single plot. Alternatively if this can't be done, we would like add button that allows you to reset all series such that after they have hidden say 3 of the 4, they click the button and all are visible again. I have searched the forum and the javascript interface. I can see that we could add a listener to capture the dataseries index when the legend is clicked, but I can't see a way to use that data to display the plot again once the reset button is clicked

Any help appreciated





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Guest Sumedh

Hi Chris,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


First of all, sincere apologies for the delayed response.


To enable/disable the dataseries (dataplots) on a button click, you would need to update chart. This can be possible using HTML buttons.


Since you would need to provide the chart XML accordingly with particular button click to enable/disable the data-series(data-plots).


Suppose, you want to disable 1 and 2 series, then on button click you would need to provide the chart XML in which data-series 3 and 4 must have valid set elements. And for data-series 1 and 2 you would need to define "0" values in the set elements.


For more information, please refer the following link:

Hope this helps!

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