
Drag Event On Dragcolumn2D

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Is there a javascript event that fires when a user drags a column in the DragColumn2d chart?


I have a requirement to automatically update the data in the chart as the user resizes one of the columns. How would I do this? Is it possible?

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Guest Sumedh



Is there a javascript event that fires when a user drags a column in the DragColumn2d chart?


I have a requirement to automatically update the data in the chart as the user resizes one of the columns. How would I do this? Is it possible?






Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


First of all, apologies for the delayed response.


FusionCharts JavaScript API does not expose drag events for Drag Column chart.



However, the drag node chart is a visual data widget, you might need to submit the modified data to your scripts for further processing. The drag-node chart offers you two methods to do the same:


- Submit the updated data from chart to your server-side script (as form elements) in XML format.

- Or, submit this data as XML/array to client-side JavaScript functions. These functions can now handle the data in the way they want to.


Also, you can use the getXMLdata() function to read the chart data.


You can access the updated XML data at client-side using JavaScript. You can parse this data and update your data sources through AJAX, etc.


Once the chart is rendered, whenever we need access to chart's updated data as XML, we can simply call the getXMLData() function on the chart


Ref. Code:



var ourChart = FusionCharts("NodeChart");

var xmlRtn = ourChart.getXMLData();

For more information, please refer the following links:


Hope this helps!

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