
Error When Creating Or Trying To Update A Chart - Check You Connection Settings.

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I have a site collection with quite a lot of charts already (so far the existing charts are still working). Whenever I try to create a new or edit an existing chart I get the following error. I tried it as a normal edit user and as site collection admin - both with the same message:




Chart settings could not be retrieved. Please check your connection settings and try again.


27/03/2013 08:28




Column 'IsDynamicFilterEnabled' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.

Stack Trace

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetField(String strName, Boolean bThrowException)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.SetValue(String strName, Object value, SPField field, Boolean protectFields, Boolean skipValidation)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.set_Item(String fieldName, Object value)

at Collabion.Charts.DAL.Managers.ChartConfigurationManager.<>c__DisplayClass1b.<Save>b__1a(SPListItem item, ChartConfiguration c)

at Collabion.Charts.DAL.ListHelper.Save[T](T data, SPWeb web, String listTitle, SPQuery query, ModifyItem`1 insertConverter, ModifyItem`1 updateConverter)

at Collabion.Charts.DAL.Managers.DataManager.Save[T](T data, SPQuery query, ModifyItem`1 insertConverter, ModifyItem`1 updateConverter)

at Collabion.Charts.DAL.Managers.ChartConfigurationManager.Save(ChartConfiguration configuration)

at Collabion.Charts.Business.ChartBuilder.AddDynamicFields(IDataProvider provider, ChartConfiguration conf, DataTable data, Boolean SaveChartConfiguration)

at Collabion.Charts.Business.WebService.GetChartConfiguration(String webPartId)

at Collabion.Charts.WebServicePage.OnInit(EventArgs e)

Inner Exception


Inner Stack Trace




Additional Information


<A name=SPBookmark_ProductVersion>ProductVersion



Edited by TheCharter

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Could you please try deactivating and re-activating the Collabion Feature by going to "Site Collection Administration" > "Site collection features" > Collabion Charts for SharePoint and check if this solves the issue or not?

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