
Setting The Scale On X-Axis

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I'm working on creating a heat map (likelihood vs. impact) using a scatter/bubble chart.  While I can set the range of the y-axis to support a 0-10.00 range (10.00 being highest likelihood), I wanted to be able to represent 0-10.00 on the x-axis as well for the visual of highest impact.  Hope that makes sense.

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Hi Rahul-
I'm new to Collabion, so am sending the mock-up I did in Excel (which I'm targetting to recreate when we move to Sharepoint as a datasource), just to make sure I have all my bases covered:
Dummy Data: Data in Excel used to create the excel template post-42303-0-94117000-1366640045_thumb.jpg

Sample Chart: The heatmap I created in Excel using the data above, which I'm trying to recreate in Collabion/Sharepoint as closely as possible post-42303-0-64355900-1366640080_thumb.jpg


Sample SP List:  I put together a mock list with the attached mock entry (there are two total)  post-42303-0-48044600-1366640125_thumb.jpg


Sample Chart from Sharepoint: I've entered two placeholders by which I'm creating my heatmap- this is what I have so far.  To gain perspective, I'm trying to present a visual of where the impact/likelihood aligns on the 0-10 scale.  post-42303-0-53226700-1366640189_thumb.jpg


I hope that all makes sense?





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Thanks for trying, Rahul!  I have gotten pretty close to something that might work.  That said, is there a way to denote what a bubble is with a text label?  When I try to add a text based data field, it adds a z-axis.  I'd just like a way to mouse over and indicate what topic someone is looking at.


Thanks again for your help! 



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