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Freeze Header

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Hi Experts!


I'm using the gantt chart in flash version.


Is there a possibility of freezing the header so it does not go along with the scrool?




Leonado Aquino

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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Leonado,


Could you please confirm once, whether you are willing to freeze the header (either Gantt pane categories or Gantt Table/Process headers) while scrolling the scroll bar horizontally?


If yes, please note that FusionWidgets XT Gantt chart supports time scaling for Gantt Pane and if you scroll only the task bars, it leads to miss-interpret the tasks and the same for Gantt tables and process columns.


However, if you are willing to freeze the header while scrolling vertically, this feature is already introduced in JavaScript variant of Gantt chart in FusionWidgets XT v3.3.1, which supports JavaScript variant of Gantt chart.


For more information on "Gantt Chart > Enable Scrolling", please follow the link below:


Hope I am able to clarify myself.

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Hi Sashibhusan!


Thank you for your reply!


So, With the FusionWidgets XT v3.3.1 i will be abble to freeze the header while scrolling vertically.




Leonardo Aquino

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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Leonardo,


Yes, as I have mentioned in my previous post, this feature is available to JavaScript variant of Gantt chart in FusionWidgets XT v3.3.1 or later versions.


Hope this helps!

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