
Offset Angle Of Shading

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Periodically we have a graph that has the shading off.   Why does it do that??




<chart exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportFileName='Facilities Administration In-house Non-Labor' exportHandler='fcExporter1' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' gaugestartAngle='225' gaugeendAngle='-45' lowerLimit='25.4' upperLimit='776.0' majorTMNumber='11' adjustTM='0' majorTMThickness='2' majorTMColor='F48900' majorTMHeight='15' minorTMNumber='4' minorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='000000' minorTMHeight='12' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeOuterRadius='128' gaugeInnerRadius='128' baseFontColor='000000' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='11' showShadow='0' pivotRadius='20' pivotFillColor='000000,F48900' pivotFillType='linear' pivotFillRatio='60,40' pivotFillAngle='240' annRenderDelay='0' lowerLimitDisplay='25.4 (Min)' upperLimitDisplay='776.0 (Max)' tickValueDistance='19' chartLeftMargin='15'><trendpoints><point startValue='25.4' endValue='658.7' radius='120' innerRadius='0' color='F48900' alpha='35' showBorder='0'/><point startValue='328.155615714' displayValue='AVG' color='00CC00' thickness='3' alpha='200' valueInside='0' radius='105' /></trendpoints><dials><dial value='0' color='E70E00' borderColor='E70E00' baseWidth='15' topWidth='1' radius='85' /></dials><styles><definition><style name='pivotGlow' type='glow' color='F48900' blurX='15' blurY='15' alpha='60'/><style name='circleBlur' type='blur'/><style name='TTipFont' type='font' color='F48900' bgColor='000000' borderColor='F48900' font='Verdana' size='10'/></definition><application><apply toObject='PIVOT' styles='pivotGlow'/><apply toObject='Grp1' styles='circleBlur'/><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TTipFont'/></application></styles></chart>
Edited by hlukes

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Guest Sumedh



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!


What FusionWidgets version are you using? If you are using older version, then can you please try it using latest FusionWidgets XT version? i.e, FusionWidgets XT v3.3.1 Service Release 1 version files?


And let us know your feedback?


You can get the trial version from here:


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How do I get the latest version?   I just purchased the extended support/upgrades but there is nowhere to get the latest version.

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Guest Sumedh



You can get the upgraded version from link which was generated at the time of your purchase.


If you are facing any issues with the upgrade, please drop in a mail at [email protected]

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