
Trouble connecting to xlsx file in URL

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Very new user to the Collabion Charts for Sharepoint.  I am using the free/trial version at this time.  Excel Services is not installed on this server - but from what I can determine from the tutorials is not a requirement.


When using the Collabion Charts Wizard to load the xlsx file from a URL, I'm receiving a connection error:


{"Successful":false,"ErrorMessage":"Could not connect to selected data provider. Please, check the network connection or make sure database settings are correct"}
The Error log is listed as:


Title Could not connect to selected data provider. Please, check the network connection or make sure database settings are correct 

Date 11/15/2013 5:25 PM 

Type Error 

Exception Thread was being aborted. 

Stack Trace    at Collabion.Charts.Business.Providers.ExcelDataProvider.Connect()

   at Collabion.Charts.Business.WebService.Connect(String webPartId, String name)

   at Collabion.Charts.WebServicePage.OnInit(EventArgs e)

Inner Exception   

Inner Stack Trace   


Additional Information


Can you point me in the proper direction to get this one resolved?


Thanks for your help.

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Many thanks for trying out Collabion Charts for SharePoint.


Yes, you are correct, Excel Services is not required for Excel Files. Regarding the issue, could you please let me know more details like:


1. Collabion Charts's version you are using? (you can find the version number in the title bar of the wizard)

2. Version of SharePoint server and whether it is foundation or wss

3. The steps to re-produce this

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Thank you for your response.


1.  The Collabion Charts version that we're using is:  v

2.  I'm still verifying whether this is foundation or wss - I'll get back to you on this

3.  The steps to reproduce this are:

     a.  Click on the Collabion Charts Wizard

     b.  Choose Microsoft Office Excel File

     c.  Link to the URL for the.xlsx file that was stored under Shared Documents

     d.  List the Sheet Name:   Sheet1

     e.  List the Range:  A1:D10

     f.   Hit the Connect - the error occurs at this time

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