
DragNode Chart - Network Diagram

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Hi Forum,


I am writing a web app in ASP.NET and C#. I have a requirement to build a map of related devices.


1. When creating a new chart is it possible to provide a list of devices so that the Add Node dialogue box uses the list of devices?

2. Provide the add connector dialogue box a list of connection types i.e. contains. This would be a Blade Server and a list of blades.


I know my users will start to complain if they have to manually type in the values for each diagram they need to create.


Thanks in advance.


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Guest Sashibhusan



With regard to your requirement, please note that DragNode chart of PowerCharts XT does not support the feature of customizing the "Add Node dialogue box" and providing the list of node labels and connector labels, as of now.


For more information on "Add and Edit Nodes", please visit the link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/powercharts/Contents/Dragnode/AddEditNodes.html


Also, for more details on "Add & edit Connectors", please visit the link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/powercharts/Contents/Dragnode/AddEditConnectors.html


Hope this helps!

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