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Muhammad Maher

Configuring Angular gauge Tick Values

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Hi Everyone


I want my angular gauge shown as the image I attachment

I used all the probabilities in the { majorTMNumber } attribute values but never do what I need

this is what I wrote in the Chart part



"lowerlimit": "0",

"showtickstep": "1",


"showvalue": "1",

"upperlimit": "100",

"gaugestartangle": "180",

"gaugeendangle": "0",

"numbersuffix": "%",

"fillangle": "30",


"majortmnumber": "3",

"gaugeinnerradius": "2",

"pivotradius": "5",

"pivotborderthickness": "2"





Edited by Muhammad Maher

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try once with the below JSON string and see if it helps?


Ref. JSON code snippet:

"chart": {
"lowerlimit": "0",
"showtickstep": "1",
"showvalue": "1",
"upperlimit": "100",
"gaugestartangle": "180",
"gaugeendangle": "0",
"numbersuffix": "",
"fillangle": "30",
"adjustTM": "0",
"majortmnumber": "7",
"majorTMHeight": "12",
"gaugeinnerradius": "2",
"pivotradius": "5",
"pivotborderthickness": "2"

For more information on "Angular Gauge Specification Sheet", please visit the link:


In case if this is what is not suitable for your requirement, please provide us the complete JSON data along with the Gauge dimension (width X height) to better assist you.


Hope this helps!

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