
Date data grouping does not show empty months

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I have an issue tracking list on sharepoint which hasn't got that many inputs from any individual category, that outputs a grouped chart displaying the count of issues by date (grouped by month).


Whenever a single slice of data has no entries (month with no issues), it doesn't display on the chart (eg: July will display just after May, skipping empty June), causing plenty of misinterpretation. As the data is quite seasonal, it happens frequently.


Is there a way to display the empty months as in the "show items with no data" option from an Excel pivot table?


Thanks for the help




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I’m having a similar issue. I have a list as shown below: (SPData01.jpg)


Actual costs will be added at random times. Planned costs will have large date gaps. I’d like to show a line graph showing actual costs and planned costs. I’ve grouped by CostDate (Day) and the lines are interrupted if there is a value from the other series (Cost Type) in between the values for the other series as shown below:



How do I get these lines to not be broken?


Edited by MBCS

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To get a connected line, you would need to use "connectNullData=1" in Other Settings > Custom Attribute section. Please refer to the attached screenshot to know how to apply this setting. You'll have to type in "connectNullData" and "1" in the respective options.





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