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Rendering both SWF and JScript maps, one website

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I have a website running FusionCharts 3.2.x - FusionCharts*.js files are dated August, 2012 - with quite a lot of SWF maps ("old maps") and some charts, too.


Code example for an "old map":


<script type="text/javascript">
function piirra(a, B)
var map = new FusionMaps("tiedostot/swf/C_FCMap_FinlandTerminals_75691.swf", "Map1Id", "150", "300", "0", "0");
map.setDataURL("tiedostot/xml2/201501-" + a + ".xml");
piirra('20-214', 'mapdiv21');



So I've used the dataURL mechanism here.


Now I would like to upgrade to 3.5.1 and start using JScript maps ("new maps"), while still displaying the old maps.


Code example (planned) for "new maps":


FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var k23 = new FusionCharts({
      "type": "maps/finlandp",
      "renderAt": "map23",
      "width": "270",
      "height": "470",
      "dataFormat": "xmlurl",
      "dataSource": "tiedostot/xml3/2015xx-10-214.xml"



Nothing spectacular here.


I tried just copying the new fusioncharts.js on top of FusionCharts.js, but after this the "old maps" do not display. But if I then revert from fusioncharts.js to FusionCharts.js, the "new maps" do not display, of course.


So presently I can either display "old maps" or "new maps", but not both simultaneously. Is there a way to do this by deploying fusioncharts.js and fine-tuning the old HTML code (see above) to fit the new version?


--It would be very convenient for me if I didn't have to change ANY of the old XML.



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  On 2/5/2015 at 11:49 AM, tietokiila said:


I have a website running FusionCharts 3.2.x - FusionCharts*.js files are dated August, 2012 - with quite a lot of SWF maps ("old maps") and some charts, too.


Code example for an "old map":


<script type="text/javascript">

function piirra(a, B)


var map = new FusionMaps("tiedostot/swf/C_FCMap_FinlandTerminals_75691.swf", "Map1Id", "150", "300", "0", "0");

map.setDataURL("tiedostot/xml2/201501-" + a + ".xml");

map.render( B);


piirra('20-214', 'mapdiv21');



So I've used the dataURL mechanism here.


Now I would like to upgrade to 3.5.1 and start using JScript maps ("new maps"), while still displaying the old maps.


Code example (planned) for "new maps":


FusionCharts.ready(function () {

    var k23 = new FusionCharts({

      "type": "maps/finlandp",

      "renderAt": "map23",

      "width": "270",

      "height": "470",

      "dataFormat": "xmlurl",

      "dataSource": "tiedostot/xml3/2015xx-10-214.xml"






Nothing spectacular here.


I tried just copying the new fusioncharts.js on top of FusionCharts.js, but after this the "old maps" do not display. But if I then revert from fusioncharts.js to FusionCharts.js, the "new maps" do not display, of course.


So presently I can either display "old maps" or "new maps", but not both simultaneously. Is there a way to do this by deploying fusioncharts.js and fine-tuning the old HTML code (see above) to fit the new version?


--It would be very convenient for me if I didn't have to change ANY of the old XML.



Please note that you cannot display an old map with the latest version maps simultaneously on the same page, as the JavaScript files are not compatible.


In case your maps are same, you can continue to use the old XML with the latest version without any issue. Alternately, if the maps are different, you can upgrade your older map to the latest version and continue to use both in the same page using the same files.


Hope this helps. :)

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