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Issue with NorthAmerica Map

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<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Maybe someone can help me with this.  I am trying to drill down from the World Map into <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North America and it work just fine (gives me the amount and the link).  Now I am using the same approach to drill down into the US from North America, but nothing is happening.


File: FCMap_NorthAmerica_WOCentral.swf


<map showCanvasBorder='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' bgcolor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='2' borderColor='00324A' fillColor='F0FAFF' hoverColor='C0D2F8'>



<entity id='US' value='650' link=' maps_us.asp'/>

<entity id='MX' value='550' link='maps_mx.asp'/>

<entity id='CA' value='350' link='maps_ca.asp'/>







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 Could you please check the entity list in the specification sheet of "NorthAmericawithoutCentral".The entity id of USA should be "023" not "US" and likewise. The correct code should look like this:

<map showCanvasBorder='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' bgcolor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='2' borderColor='00324A' fillColor='F0FAFF' hoverColor='C0D2F8'>


<entity id='023' value='650' link=' maps_us.asp'/>

  <entity id='016' value='550' link='maps_mx.asp'/>

<entity id='005' value='350' link='maps_ca.asp'/>



Edited by Guest

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