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Gantt chart acts strange when task end time is larger than chart end time

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I have an example chart where the chart goes from start="09/02/2009 00:00:00" to end="13/02/2009 23:59:59" . (dateFormat="dd/mm/yyyy")




I have subcategories for every hour.




category label="22h" start="13/02/2009 21:00:00" end="13/02/2009 21:59:59"


category label="23h" start="13/02/2009 22:00:00" end="13/02/2009 22:59:59"


category label="24h" start="13/02/2009 23:00:00" end="13/02/2009 23:59:59"




Now I add a task like this so that the start time is in the interval of the calendar, but the end time is out.




task processId="M07" start="13/02/2009 22:46:12" end="15/02/2009 15:30:00"




As you see on the image, the category gets expanded instead of the task being cut.


Shouldn't it suppose to cut the task at 13/02/2009 23:59:59 ??

Edited by Guest

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Another strange thing is that when I define a task like:




task start="07/02/2009 12:04:32" end="12/02/2009 22:46:12" processId="M07"




I get the EXACT same output! So the start of the task get's cut off but the category at the end is stretched.


Furthermore, although my end date is 12/02, the task continues until 13/02. (exact same output as the img above...).

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Ok I fixed it.


Problem is that when you add tasks to the xml where the date exceeds the calendar time, this is the result you get.


I thought fusionWidgets wouldn't make a fuzz about it and cut off the tasks at the end or just not show them. Guess I was wrong.


Now I set the task end-time to the chart end-time when a task exceeds the chart period.

Edited by Guest

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