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Guest Madhumita


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Im looking at the RealTimeColumn chart, and I would like to do a few things, but im not sure how to get the data right so the display will be correct.

Basically I want *only* 12 bars (one for each month) to show up, each having its own unique color.  Each bar will represent the data for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr....Dec.

Also the legend will also contain the 12 months.

Ive tried setting the number of items in the xml to 12, but cant get that to work correctly.

I assume i need multiple datasets?

What ive done to Fake this is just use the regular Column3d chart and then send it a new xml string at regular intervals.  I dont like this, but it is a workaround.  Id like the realtimecolumn chart to act similar to the column3d chart.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Well the XML im using i got from the example in the gallery

I am trying to modify that, as well as feed the data correctly &label=xx&value=1,2,3  and so on.  Im not sure how to make the data display like it would on a normal column2d chart

12 bars one for each month, and the data stream being able to update the 12 months.

make sense?


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Guest Rajroop

I'm afraid not!




For a single series chart this is not possible. However, if you use a Multi-series Column chart and name the each <dataset> element in the name of the month, the same will be showcased in the Legends.





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Guest Madhumita


The RealTimeColumn.swf is also a multi-series chart when you are using datasets in it.

e.g. <chart caption="Concurrent Users" borderColor="899FB6" subcaption="(Refreshes every 3 seconds)" canvasborderColor="DAE1E8" canvasBgColor="FFFFFF" bgColor="EEF2FB" numDivLines="6" divLineColor="DAE1E8" divLineAlpha="75" alternateHGridAlpha="30" decimals="0" baseFontColor="899FB6" outCnvBaseFontColor="444C60" toolTipBorderColor="DAE1E8" toolTipBgColor="FFFFFF" toolTipSepChar=" " showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridColor="DAE1E8" dataStreamURL="DataProviders/RealTimeColumn1.asp" refreshInterval="3" numDisplaySets="15" showLegend="1" showLabels="1" showRealTimeValue="1" labelDisplay="none" showShadow="1" showPlotBorder="0" plotBordercolor="FFFFFF" plotGradientColor="" labelStep="2" canvasLeftMargin="50">



<dataSet color="B3C1D0" seriesName="Internal" showValues="0">


<dataSet color="6582A0" seriesName="External" showValues="0">






<style type="font" name="captionFont" size="14" color="899FB6"/>

<style type="font" name="subcaptionFont" color="899FB6"/>




<apply toObject="Caption" styles="captionFont"/>

<apply toObject="SubCaption" styles="subcaptionFont"/>




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