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Guest Madhumita

Image ToolTip

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Is there a way to pop up a custom tool tip image with dynamic text, as default it is displaying in a rectangel box with text.



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Hi Madhumita Chakraborty,

Thanks for quick response. I have one question regarding tooltip, I have tooltip text with three lines so is it possible doing some thing like below?


YES  100

NO   50

Texas in diffrent style, yes and no with diffrent style In a tool tip text.




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Thanks for your response. I got multi line in tool tip. my question is how can I change first line in bold and red in color.First line I used bold tag so bold is worked ,How about changing color. I want to know how to change the color?



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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid, the color tag does not work for the toolTip, as of now.

You can impart color to the entire tooltip using FusionCharts v3 STYLES functionality.

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