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Binding FusionWidget in codebehind

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Hi all,..




i had problem to bind FusionWidget in my project,..


may i know, could FusionWidget binding from codebehind(i use VS 2005)


like FusionChart..??




this my code:




public string GetChart2()










StringBuilder xmlDatas = new StringBuilder();
























return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("/TestDrive2005/Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "", xmlDatas.ToString() , "myNext", "400", "200", false, false);










--sory if my english is bad

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Guest Madhumita


You can bind XMl to FusionWidets from code behind. You can not, however, use the ASP class for Widgets, as can be done in case of FusionCharts.

Can you please tell us if you are getting any error or only a blank page is being displayed?

Awaiting your reply.

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Guest Madhumita





If you get an "Invalid XML Data" message, it means that the XML data document is malformed.




* Difference in case of tags. should end with and not or


* Missing opening/closing quotation marks for any attributes. e.g.,


* Missing closing tag for any element.


* If you're using any special characters in your XML, make sure they're properly encoded. Like, in dataXML method, % needs to be encoded as %25, & as %26 and so on. In dataURL method, you can provide most of the characters directly, without the need to encode.


* In dataXML method, check for conflict of ' (XML Attribute Character) and " (HTML Parameter Character).


* If you've quotes as part of your data, XML Encode them to ' Example:


* To get more information on what the error in XML is, you can either use the Debug Window (explained next) or open the XML in your browser.




You can also send us the XML you are building so that we can test it.




Awaiting your reply. :)

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thank you fou your replay,... :)




in case, i try to take a sample in fusion widget, in fusion widget, this code put in file HTML,..




So.. i try to convert this code into codebehind, and i try to test debug/trace with F11, and i look into XML Visualizer, and result is nothing happen to my variable(xmlDatas)...






StringBuilder xmlDatas = new StringBuilder();




xmlDatas.Append("<chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='Bad' upperLimitDisplay='Good' gaugeStartAngle='180' gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' numberSuffix='%' tickValueDistance='20' showValue='1'>");




xmlDatas.Append("<color minValue='0' maxValue='75' code='FF654F'/>");


xmlDatas.Append("<color minValue='75' maxValue='90' code='F6BD0F'/>");


xmlDatas.Append("<color minValue='90' maxValue='100' code='8BBA00'/>");






xmlDatas.Append("<dial value='92' rearExtension='10'/>");








return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("/TestDrive2005/Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "",xmlDatas.ToString() , "myNext", "400", "200", false, false);




could you help me for this problem..




thank you :)

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hi,.. i'am just say sory, if i less carefully to read your last message in point 4






* If you're using any special characters in your XML, make sure they're properly encoded. Like, in dataXML method, % needs to be encoded as %25, & as %26 and so on. In dataURL method, you can provide most of the characters directly, without the need to encode.





i'am forgot if i had charater '%' needs to be encoded as %25.. i'am sory :)




thank you for your attention..





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Guest Rajroop

Hey Boby,




No apologies required on this Forum. It's really our pleasure to assist you.




Happy FusionCharting. :)

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