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SWFObject2 ( swfobject.js v 2) and IE Error

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Runs fine on FireFox, with no errors in the Error Console. Not so in IE 6, 7, 8.


Twice on each call, I receive the error "Object doesn't support this property or method".




We are creating an XML file, which is functioning fine, we are just switching to swfobject2 to get rid of previous flash detection that was causing serious problems in IE 6.




Flash detection works fine when Flash is disabled.


(majorversion, minorversion, revision: 8.0.0)




In the head:


   var flashvars = {};

   flashvars.dataXML = " {$XMLText;} ";

   var params = {}; = "true";

   params.quality = "high";

   params.wmode = "transparent";

   params.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";

   params.allowfullscreen = "false";

   params.allowscriptaccess = "always";

   var attributes = {}; = "Map2Div";

   attributes.align = "middle";

     swfobject.embedSWF("FCMap_USA.swf", "AltContent", "520", "360", "{$FlashMajorVersion . '.' . $FlashMinorVersion . '.' . $FlashRevision;}", false, flashvars, params, attributes);




In the body:






Any insight would certainly be appreciated.

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We are working on an updated FusionCharts.js and FusionMaps.js that incorporates swfObjecy v2.2 natively.




For this particular issue of yours, you need to send registerWithJS: '1' in your flashVars object.

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Thanks, Shamasis, that's good to know.




One thing I found in my code above is that I was apparently placing the id in the wrong place (as an attribute). This was also causing errors.




My intention was to direct the swf to a particular div. I have failed to find a way to do this.

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With swfObject2, doing it is a bit tricky.




Lets say you want to render your swf inside an element with if "map2Div" and your chart's ID you want to be "map2" the code would need to create a blank element inside map2Div with an id map2 and then render the chart in map2




var elm = document.createElement("span");

elm.setAttribute("id", "map2");


swfobject.embedSWF("FCMap_USA.swf", "map2", "520", "360", "8.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);

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