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GWT+ FusionMaps + Click handler

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Romain,

Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

Please try passing the Entity Id in the "link" attribute of the <entity> element for the same.

Ref.- <entity id='NA' value='515' link="myJS('NA');"/>



function myJS(myVar){





For further details please refer to the link below :-


Additionally, if you set the value of the attribute "exposeHoverEvent" to '1' in the <map> element, it would automatically raise an event that returns an object containing the id of the hovered over entity.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks Basundhara Ghosal, I will try what you're suggesting!


I just wondered if I can write the following part between the "< map >< /map >" xml data?




< SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" >


< !--


function myJS(myVar){






//-- >



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I really don't know where I can write the < SCRIPT > < /SCRIPT > part. I'm using GWT. The ChartMap is created into an XML file and I work on it into a GWT class.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


You are welcome.

Please try using a JavaScript function where you need to pass the parameters mentioned in the "link" attribute(in this case the parameter is the ID of the entity).

Hope this helps.

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Is it possible to set a java method in the "link" attribute instead of a javascript function?

I am afraid, this is not possible with FusionCharts, as of now. :)

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