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Aaron Weier

Single Series Error Bar and Error Line Charts

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I need to create a single series ErrorBar2D chart and i can't seem to get it to work with XML that looks like this:

<chart caption='Age Adjusted Emergency Department Visit Rates per 10K' subcaption='2002' xaxisname='Gender' showBorder='0' formatNumberScale='0' halfErrorBar='1' errorBarColor='000000' errorBarWidthPercent='50' >

<set label='Female' value='45.39' link='j-updateChart-,,Female' errorValue='0.81' />

<set label='Male' value='38.02' link='j-updateChart-,,Male' errorValue='0.74' />

<set label='Total' value='41.74' link='j-updateChart-,,Total' errorValue='0.55' />



<style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='0' />



<apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myHTMLFont' />




After looking closer at the documentation it looks like i can't create a single series ErrorBar2D chart (based on a normal Bar2D or Column2D xml model), is this correct?

If so, how do i create a single series ErrorBar2D chart? So that for the above xml file I get three link columns with half error bars and a single X-Axis title called 'Gender'?!?

Lastly, all my data is coming from a database which means the above generated XML is the same for many different chart types and is quite efficient. i was hoping the ErrorBar chart would follow the same model so all i'd have to do in my code is test my data for needed error bars and make an easy code adjustment.

Any urgent help is greatly appreciated!!



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I was able to get this to work by adjusting my DataTableReader code to simply add the right number of categories and only one dataset.

Unfortunately what i don't like about this, that i like about the single series Column2D and Bar2D charts, is all chart elements are the same color, a needless legend gets created, and it needs a second trip through a datatable reader to get the information.

A major suggestion would be to simply add error bars to all single series charts and allow developers to turn these on and off as needed, or allow for single series charts without needing the <categories> and <dataset> tags.

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