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Chartnodatatext Issue

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Hi all,


I am using Hlinear gauge for showing data. I want to customize ChartNoDataText for it. So, I set swf url to "myurl/HLinearGauge?ChartNoDataText =My message" . Also I set chartxml to "<chart></chart>". But it renders a chart without data. But, if I set chartxml to an empty string it displays "Error in loading data". So, I changed swf url from "myurl/HLinearGauge?ChartNoDataText =My message" to "myurl/HLinearGauge?LoadDataErrorText=My message" which displays the message. Is there any problem in showing custom ChartNoDataText message for widgets?. But custom ChartNoDataText messages are working well for 3d column, stacked bar charts.



Really weird, Please help me.


Thanks in advance

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Guest Angie



Could you please send us the full code to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your reply.

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Below is my code. Please let me know if you want more information.

serverpath = "http://www.ourdomain/swf/HLinearGauge.swf?ChartNoDataText=Getting Data"

var myChart = new FusionCharts(serverpath, "chartId","225", "70", "0", "1");





which displays a blank chart, but did not show up the message. But for serverpath = "http://www.ourdomain/swf/HLinearGauge.swf?LoadDataErrorText=Getting Data" and myChart.setDataXML(" "), it gives the correct message.


Also, when i include an alert before rendering, it did show the message, but did not without an alert. :(





Could you please send us the full code to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your reply.

Edited by glaze24

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