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Data Streaming Chart - Initial Load

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Hi. I have a data streaming chart that for which I would like to display data immediately upon the chart's initial load, but then only refresh the chart at fairly slow intervals.


For instance, I can set the refreshInterval to something small like "3" and the chart will display data approx. 3 seconds after it's initial load, but then it will also continue to refresh every 3 seconds, which is too frequently.


On the other hand, if I set the refreshInterval to something more desirable in the long run, like 30 or 60 or more, the chart won't display any data until 30 or 60 seconds (or whatever the value is set at) AFTER it has initially loaded.


An alternative solution for me would be to stop refreshing the chart altogether after a certain amount of time.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.


P.S. We've now purchased the product, so if there's a better place for me to be asking these types of questions, please let me know.

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


You need to provide data in xml code to display data immediately upon the chart's initial load.


You can then set the <refreshinterval> attribute after the initial load.


Since, you are now a licensed user of FusionCharts, you can send your questions at: [email protected]


Hope this

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