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Angular Chart With Short Min/max

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We have a series of dials where the client can filter by several categories to show the values for specific categories. Periodically the data set is very small - 2 or 3 data points so that the min/max and average are all very close - in this specific case the min is 16.57 and the max is 16.61 The XML is generated dynamically for the 8 widgets that show up on the page. The chart displays the correct numbers at min and max but it generates 1.66, etc on for the major ticks. Is there something that I should be doing so it can do it at a more granular level??


<chart bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' gaugestartAngle='235' gaugeendAngle='-55' lowerLimit='16.57' upperLimit='16.61' majorTMNumber='11' adjustTM='0' majorTMThickness='4' majorTMColor='F48900' majorTMHeight='15' minorTMNumber='4' minorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='000000' minorTMHeight='13' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeOuterRadius='105' gaugeInnerRadius='85%' baseFontColor='000000' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10' showShadow='0' pivotRadius='20' pivotFillColor='000000,F48900' pivotFillType='linear' pivotFillRatio='60,40' pivotFillAngle='240' annRenderDelay='0' lowerLimitDisplay='16.6 (Min)' upperLimitDisplay='16.6 (Max)' tickValueDistance='19' chartLeftMargin='25' chartRightMargin='25'><trendpoints><point startValue='16.6' endValue='16.6' radius='120' innerRadius='0' color='F48900' alpha='35' showBorder='0'/><point startValue='16.5884991794' displayValue='AVG' color='00CC00' thickness='4' alpha='200' valueInside='0' radius='110' /></trendpoints><dials><dial value='0' color='E70E00' borderColor='E70E00' baseWidth='15' topWidth='1' radius='85' /></dials><styles><definition><style name='pivotGlow' type='glow' color='F48900' blurX='15' blurY='15' alpha='60'/><style name='circleBlur' type='blur'/><style name='TTipFont' type='font' color='F48900' bgColor='000000' borderColor='F48900' font='Verdana' size='10'/></definition><application><apply toObject='PIVOT' styles='pivotGlow'/><apply toObject='Grp1' styles='circleBlur'/><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TTipFont'/></application></styles></chart>

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