Howard Fore Report post Posted April 20, 2011 Hi, On my h linear gauge, why am I missing the values for the upper and lower limit tick marks? XML below: <Chart editMode='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0' showBorder='0' upperLimit='3.58' lowerLimit='-0.15' numberSuffix='%' gaugeRoundRadius='5' chartBottomMargin='30' ticksBelowGauge='0' placeTicksInside='0' showGaugeLabels='0' chartLeftMargin='25' chartRightMargin='30' majorTMColor='868F9B' majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='2' majorTMNumber='0' minorTMNumber='0' showToolTip='0' decimals='2' > <colorRange> <color minValue='-0.15' maxValue='0.65' code='ffffff' /> <color minValue='0.65' maxValue='2.97' code='C8D8EB' /> <color minValue='2.97' maxValue='3.58' code='ffffff' /> </colorRange> <pointers> <pointer value='1.76' borderAlpha='100' bgColor='4F81BD' borderColor='4F81BD' toolText='3 Month Average' pointerOnTop='0' pointerRadius='14' pointerBgAlpha='100' pointerBgColor='4F81BD' pointerBorderThickness='2'/> </pointers> <annotations> <annotationGroup id='Grp1' showBelow="0"> <annotation type='line' x='175' y='160' toX='200' color='000000' /> <annotation type='line' x='215' y='155' toX='200' toY='160' color='000000' /> <annotation type='line' x='215' y='165' toX='200' toY='160' color='000000' /> </annotationGroup> </annotations> </Chart> Screenshot attached Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angie Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts. In order to display the lower and upper limit tick mark values, you would need to specify number of tick marks by setting <majorTMNumber> and <minorTMNumber> attribute inside the <chart> element. Please find the modified XML attached for your reference. Hope this helps. HLinear.xml Share this post Link to post Share on other sites