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Problem With Bar 2D

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I am using the 2D Bar Chart, but the label property values ​​are variable and I wouldleave them with a maximum size, because the graph does not need to changepositions by changing the values ​​of the labels.


You can leave this value set or fix the value of the graph?


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Guest Angshu



I am afraid, I am not able to understand your query.


Could you please elaborate your query a little bit more?


Awaiting for your response.

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Hi Angshu,


to generate the graph we need two parameters, label and value


the label appears next to the bar, with any size of existing text, causing the bar to be larger or longer depending on the size of the largest label.


Would make the label did not exceed a certain size? Such as a fixed width?


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Guest Angshu


Thanks for your response.


In all the horizontal bar charts, you can specify the maximum % of available width that you wish to allot for data labels. By default, the best fit is calculated.


For ex: <chart ... maxLabelWidthPercent='50'>


Please visit the link for more details: http://www.fusioncha...DataLabels.html


Hope this

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Hi Angshu,


Thanks for your reply.


Don't work with 2D Bar.


For XML ex:

<chart caption='' subCaption='' yAxisName='' xAxisName='' alternateVGridColor='AFD8F8' baseFontColor='114B78' toolTipBorderColor='114B78' toolTipBgColor='E7EFF6' plotBorderDashed='1' plotBorderDashLen='2' plotBorderDashGap='2' useRoundEdges='1' showBorder='0' bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' maxLabelWidthPercent='20'>

<set label="Nacional" value="13.11" color="0060AF"/>

<set label="Estadual" value="14.03" color="0060AF"/>

<set label="Municipal" value="0" color="0060AF"/>



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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your reply.


Could you please enable the debug mode in your HTML code and send us the screenshot of the issue you are facing?


Awaiting for your response.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your reply.


You would need to specify the same value on each <set> element in order to make the size of the bar uniform.


Hope this

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