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Steven Hilton

Angular Gauge Not Show Tick Marks With Some Upperlimit Values

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When the upperLimit value of an Angular Gauge chart is "odd," the tick marks and tick values do not display.


This xml, with an upper limit of "25.00," will render an angular gauge with all the expected tick marks, and mark values of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. As expected. See attached image number 1.


<chart lowerLimitDisplay="0" upperLimitDisplay="25.00 kW" showValue="1" showBorder="0" gaugeStartAngle="240" palette="1" chartTopMargin="50" upperLimit="25.00" lowerLimit="0" numberSuffix="kW" tickValueDistance="20" gaugeEndAngle="-60">


<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Minimum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Maximum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Average"></point>



<color code="8BBA00" maxValue="17.50" minValue="0"></color>

<color code="F6BD0F" maxValue="22.50" minValue="17.50"></color>

<color code="FF654F" maxValue="25.00" minValue="22.50"></color>



<dial value="22.24" rearExtension="10"></dial>




However, using the exact same XML with the exception of the upperLimit value being set to "24.90", the angular g

auge renders very differently. There are no minor tick marks, and the intermediate tick mark values are missing.

We only see the min of 0 and the max of "24.90." Here is the xml:


<chart lowerLimitDisplay="0" upperLimitDisplay="24.90 kW" showValue="1" showBorder="0" gaugeStartAngle="240" palette="1" chartTopMargin="50" upperLimit="24.90" lowerLimit="0" numberSuffix="kW" tickValueDistance="20" gaugeEndAngle="-60">


<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Minimum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Maximum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Average"></point>



<color code="8BBA00" maxValue="17.43" minValue="0"></color>

<color code="F6BD0F" maxValue="22.41" minValue="17.43"></color>

<color code="FF654F" maxValue="24.90" minValue="22.41"></color>



<dial value="22.24" rearExtension="10"></dial>




And corresponds to the second attached file.


How do I get the intermediate tick marks and values to display with all values for upperLimit?


Thanks for any assistance.

post-13690-050671100 1306270462_thumb.png

post-13690-055411100 1306270473_thumb.png

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Please find the modified XML code below:



<chart lowerLimitDisplay="0" upperLimitDisplay="24.90 kW" showValue="1" showBorder="0" gaugeStartAngle="240" palette="1" chartTopMargin="50" upperLimit="24.90" lowerLimit="0" numberSuffix="kW" tickValueDistance="20" gaugeEndAngle="-60" showTickMarks='1' showTickValues='1' adjustTM='0'>


<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Minimum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Maximum"></point>

<point displayValue=" " useMarker="1" value="0.00" markerToolText="0.00kW Average"></point>



<color code="8BBA00" maxValue="17.43" minValue="0"></color>

<color code="F6BD0F" maxValue="22.41" minValue="17.43"></color>

<color code="FF654F" maxValue="24.90" minValue="22.41"></color>



<dial value="22.24" rearExtension="10"></dial>




Hope this

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