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Multiaxisline Chart And One X-Axis Data Label

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I'm using a Muti Axis Line chart and in general it works perfect. But... in some cases the data has just one category and when that happens the x-axis data label is not being displayed. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it is a bug.


There's the xmls and i'm attaching the files with the charts with one and more than one category


One category


<chart caption="Chart" xAxisName="Years" showValues="1" canvasPadding="0">
   <category label='2011'/>
 <axis color='#0070C0' divLineColor='CCCCCC' maxValue='100' minValue='0' numDivLines='3' tickWidth='10' title='Score' titlePos='left'> 
   <dataset seriesName='Score'> 
     <set tooltext='Score:84.47{br}Year:2011' value='84'></set>
 <axis axisOnLeft='0' color='#FFC000' tickWidth='10' title='Interviews' titlePos='right'> 
   <dataset seriesName='Interviews'> 
     <set tooltext='Interviews:18854{br}Year:2011' value='18854.0'></set>



More than one category


<chart caption="Chart" xAxisName="Years" showValues="1" canvasPadding="0">
   <category label='2011'/>
   <category label='2012'/>
 <axis color='#0070C0' divLineColor='CCCCCC' maxValue='100' minValue='0' numDivLines='3' tickWidth='10' title='Score' titlePos='left'> 
   <dataset seriesName='Score'> 
     <set tooltext='Score:84.47{br}Year:2011' value='84'></set>
     <set tooltext='Score:89.8{br}Year:2012' value='90'></set>
 <axis axisOnLeft='0' color='#FFC000' tickWidth='10' title='Interviews' titlePos='right'> 
   <dataset seriesName='Interviews'> 
     <set tooltext='Interviews:18854{br}Year:2011' value='18854.0'></set>
     <set tooltext='Interviews:20000{br}Year:2012' value='20000.0'></set>      



If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong or if it's a bug or something i'd appreciate it


Thanks in advance



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We are looking into the issue and shall get back you as soon we come up with the fix.


Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your patience.


The issue has been fixed.


Please find the zip file attached for your reference.


You would need to copy the swf file in your charts folder.


Looking forward to your feedback.

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Guest Angshu



Glad to know that your issue has been resolved.


Happy FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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