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About srividya_sharma

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  1. Hi, i have downloaded the zip file for developing charts in swing and i have gone through Readme.txt file also but i can't find fussioncharts.swf file in zip file i downloaded in fussionchart zip file. please help me on this.

  2. Hi Srividya,

    I am facing an issue while running the code sample that you have given.

    I am new to fusion chart and while running you codes getting the below error "java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot cannot be cast to com.fusioncharts.jsf.UIChart". Kindly can you please help me with that asap as its extremely urgent.

    email id : sauravsrivastava20...

  3. Hi In order to use a jsp file you would need to deploy it as part of an application in a web server like tomcat. If you already have IIS installed, you should probably try deploying the asp file. Hope this helps. Srividya
  4. Hi, Can you please confirm that you are running this after deploying to a web server and StockPrice.jsp is accessible from the web address? Srividya
  5. Dynamic Chart Create In Servlet

    Are you using the latest version of FusionCharts or a previous version?
  6. Fusioncharts With Jsf 2.0

    Can you please attach the file, I could not find it. thanks Srividya Sharma
  7. Server Side Chart Export - Suppress Log

    I can't think of any problems with this. Can you please verify that you have configured log4j correctly? Hope this helps. Srividya Sharma
  8. Can I Define The Name Of The Data Of Powerchart ?

    Hi, To get the chart data as xml in javascript, yo uwould use the following code: var chartReference = FusionCharts("myChartId"); var chartXML = chartReference.getXMLData(); After getting this data, you can set it in some hidden field in the page. You can use the same field name on the server, to retrieve its value. Hope this is what you were looking for. Hope this helps. Srividya Sharma
  9. Hi, Can you please check out the samples provided in the download package? They have examples of creating the xml in java. Srividya
  10. FusionCharts Exporter Jars For Different Java Versions

    We do not have the exporter jar for jdk < 1.4. Sorry about that.
  11. Fusioncharts With Jsf 2.0

    hi, Currently the tag library has not been updated for JSF 2. Sorry about that. Srividya Sharma
  12. FusionCharts JSF-All Tag Libraries & Samples

    Hi Thank you for using the JSF tag library. I will take a look at your problem, but it might take some time to do the changes. Thank you for your patience. Srividya Sharma
  13. Server Side Exporting Fusion Charts To Pdf

    Hi Neeraja, For server side export, you do not need a button click. It can be automatically exported after the chart renders. Please incorporate automatic export after you achieve manual export. I will take a look at the files you have attached and get back to you soon. Srividya Sharma
  14. Fusion charts with rich faces.

    Glad to help. Happy FusionCharting!