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Everything posted by glaze24

  1. Div Lines Are Not Showing

    Hi, I am using multi-axis line chart. I want to show vertical axis divlines. but the chart chart doen't show it. I've pasted down the xml. <chart caption='abcd' xAxisName='efgh' rotateLabels='1' slantLabels='1' showValues='0' > <categories> <category label = '6/2/2011' /> <category label = '13/2/2011' /> <category label = '20/2/2011' /> <category label = '30/1/2011' /> </categories> <axis title = 'x' minValue = '11610.0' maxValue = '27023.0' titlePos = 'Left''> <dataset seriesName = 'x' > <set value = '2702300.0' /> <set value = '2666500.0' /> <set value = '2239000.0' /> <set value = '1161000.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis title = 'y' minValue = '14611.0' maxValue = '47171.0' titlePos = 'Left' > <dataset seriesName = 'y' > <set value = '4717100.0' /> <set value = '4251900.0' /> <set value = '3670700.0' /> <set value = '1461100.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis title = 'z' minValue = '18894.0' maxValue = '48337.0' titlePos = 'RIGHT' axisOnLeft='0' > <dataset seriesName = 'z' > <set value = '4833700.0' /> <set value = '4515400.0' /> <set value = '4177800.0' /> <set value = '1889400.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis title = 'xy' minValue = '6321.0' maxValue = '17516.0' titlePos = 'RIGHT' axisOnLeft='0' > <dataset seriesName = 'xy' > <set value = '1751600.0' /> <set value = '1473800.0' /> <set value = '1316000.0' /> <set value = '632100.0' /> </dataset> </axis> </chart> any suggestion?
  2. Div Lines Are Not Showing

    yeah it works..... thanks angie
  3. Div Lines Are Not Showing

    Its not working for me.... Below is my xml.. I've tried it by putting it in chart element as well.... <chart formatNumberScale='0' caption='abc' xAxisName='efg' divLineIsDashed='1' rotateLabels='1' slantLabels='1' showValues='0' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridAlpha='5'> <categories> <category label = '6/2/2011' /> <category label = '13/2/2011' /> <category label = '20/2/2011' /> <category label = '30/1/2011' /> </categories> <axis numDivLines='4' title = 'xy' minValue = '8527.0' maxValue = '30106.0' titlePos = 'Left'> <dataset seriesName = 'xy' > <set value = '27023.0' /> <set value = '26665.0' /> <set value = '22390.0' /> <set value = '11610.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis numDivLines='4' title = 'x' minValue = '8099.0' maxValue = '53683.0' titlePos = 'Left'> <dataset seriesName = 'x' > <set value = '47171.0' /> <set value = '42519.0' /> <set value = '36707.0' /> <set value = '14611.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis numDivLines='4' title = 'z' minValue = '13005.0' maxValue = '54226.0' titlePos = 'RIGHT' axisOnLeft='0'> <dataset seriesName = 'z' > <set value = '48337.0' /> <set value = '45154.0' /> <set value = '41778.0' /> <set value = '18894.0' /> </dataset> </axis> <axis numDivLines='4' title = 'y' minValue = '4082.0' maxValue = '19755.0' titlePos = 'RIGHT' axisOnLeft='0'> <dataset seriesName = 'y' > <set value = '17516.0' /> <set value = '14738.0' /> <set value = '13160.0' /> <set value = '6321.0' /> </dataset> </axis> </chart> What could be the reason?
  4. Div Lines Are Not Showing

    Please check the axis in green color in the attachment charts.bmp
  5. Div Lines Are Not Showing

    Thanks angie, Another issue for me is, some axes don't have values spit up. I mean, they have only min and max values no other values between them, even though the difference between min and max is hardly 20,000. Because of this, dash lines are not coming, so chart doesn't look good. Is there any way to force the y-axis values split up?
  6. Hi, I am using HLinear gauge. Please find the attached sample image. I want to show the value of the blue part of the gauge as a tool text when I hover over it and similarly for the pink part of the gauge. Is there any way to show tool tip like that? Because values are not clearly visible when one of the parts becomes very small. Please give me your suggestions. Thanks
  7. Tool Tip For Linear Gauge

    Hi, Below is my code, <chart showToolTip='0' showValue='0' showGaugeLabels='0' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='0' upperLimitDisplay='100' tickValueStep='2' bgColor='FBFAF7' showBorder = '0' numberSuffix='%'> <colorRange> <color minValue='0' maxValue='83' code='A9CCFF' label='xxxx'></color> <color minValue='83' maxValue='100' code='FEB5FF' label='yyy'></color> </colorRange> <pointers> <pointer bgAlpha= '24' radius = '7' value='83'></pointer> </pointers> </chart>
  8. Hi, I have a stacked bar chart and I want to show up tooltip for long x-axis labels. I set toolText attribute to <category> element and also enabled showToolTip in <chart> element. But the chart didn't show tooltip for the labels. I dont why it is happening!!! Please give me your suggestions... Thanks
  9. Chart Doesn't Show Tooltip Up

    yeah! I know but, that can be used when you have maxLabelWidthPercent value set to some value. I have tried it with different maxLabelWidthPercent values but, no changes at all to the chart....
  10. Chart Doesn't Show Tooltip Up

    According to your code x-axis labels will be shown as tooltip when i hover over stacked bars, but my scenario is like this: I want to show the tooltip (like technology,law, etc) when i hover over x-axis labels and only numerical values when i hover over stacked bars.. But numerical value and lables should not be combined in the tooltip. any idea?
  11. Chart Doesn't Show Tooltip Up

    thanks for your idea.. but is there any way to show tooltext only for labels? because <category> element is meant for x-axis labels, so I tried with my code. I dont want to show the labels along with dataset values...
  12. Chart Doesn't Show Tooltip Up

    Thanks for your response ! I have pasted the code below. <chart showToolTip='1' caption='Values' maxLabelWidthPercent='100' chartLeftMargin='0' canvasRightMargin='0' showValues='0' numDivLines='0' bgColor='FBFAF7' showBorder ='0' showCanvasBg = '0' showCanvasBase = '0' plotGradientColor='4A9B19' showYAxisValues='0' plotSpacePercent = '40' canvasBgColor='FAF9F2' divLineColor='FAF9F2' showAlternateVGridColor='0'> <categories> <category toolText='Technology' label=' Technology' ></category> <category toolText='Internet' label=' Internet' ></category> <category toolText='Student' label=' Student' ></category> <category toolText='Communications or Media' label='Communications or Media' ></category> <category toolText='Advertising' label=' Advertising' ></category> <category toolText='Education' label=' Education' ></category> <category toolText='Science' label=' Science' ></category> <category toolText='Arts' label=' Arts' ></category> <category toolText='Consulting' label=' Consulting' ></category> <category toolText='Telecommunications' label=' Telecommunications' ></category> <category toolText='Law' label=' Law' ></category> <category toolText='Government' label=' Government' ></category> <category toolText='Accounting' label=' Accounting' ></category> <category toolText='Transportation' label=' Transportation' ></category> <category toolText='Law Enforcement or Security' label='Law Enforcement or ...' ></category> </categories> <dataset> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='21' value='21' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='8' value='8' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='5' value='5' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='5' value='5' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='4' value='4' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='4' value='4' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='3' value='3' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='3' value='3' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='3' value='3' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='3' value='3' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='2' value='2' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='2' value='2' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='2' value='2' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='1' value='1' ></set> <set color ='4A9B19' toolText='1' value='1' ></set> </dataset> </chart>
  13. Hi all, I am using Hlinear gauge for showing data. I want to customize ChartNoDataText for it. So, I set swf url to "myurl/HLinearGauge?ChartNoDataText =My message" . Also I set chartxml to "<chart></chart>". But it renders a chart without data. But, if I set chartxml to an empty string it displays "Error in loading data". So, I changed swf url from "myurl/HLinearGauge?ChartNoDataText =My message" to "myurl/HLinearGauge?LoadDataErrorText=My message" which displays the message. Is there any problem in showing custom ChartNoDataText message for widgets?. But custom ChartNoDataText messages are working well for 3d column, stacked bar charts. Really weird, Please help me. Thanks in advance
  14. Chartnodatatext Issue

    Hi, Below is my code. Please let me know if you want more information. serverpath = "http://www.ourdomain/swf/HLinearGauge.swf?ChartNoDataText=Getting Data" var myChart = new FusionCharts(serverpath, "chartId","225", "70", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataXML("<chart></chart>") myChart.render("Chartdiv"); which displays a blank chart, but did not show up the message. But for serverpath = "http://www.ourdomain/swf/HLinearGauge.swf?LoadDataErrorText=Getting Data" and myChart.setDataXML(" "), it gives the correct message. Also, when i include an alert before rendering, it did show the message, but did not without an alert.
  15. 2D Bar Chart Canvas

    Hi, I dont want the canvas area to be displayed in 2D bar chart. Which xml attribute should be used for that? Thanks in advance Hey!!! done
  16. hi, i am saving fusionchart images at server side. i invoke callback method to know the status, but firebug console logged this error try { __flash__toXML(FC_Exported(({sta...leName:"null",height:0,width:0,<br />\n and callback is not happening.... and also i noted GD lib requirement...i have gd2 extension installed in wamp server.....but still thats not working any other suggestions??
  17. hi, i am trying to export MSColumn3DLineDY chart....i added the export parameters in the xml, but that is not showing "save as jpeg...." options in the context menu. when i change the swf file to MSCombiDY2D.swf (which is given as equivalent javascript chart for MSColumn3DLineDY) it is showing "save as" options.... my doubt is, can i make MSColumn3DLineDY to download using javascript ? pls help me!!
  18. Enabling Export Chart

    Hi, I am using php functions to display charts(i.e, using FusionCharts_Gen.php)... I've no idea how to add export options using php functions..... I didn't find solution in the docs for this..... pls give me your suggestions!!
  19. Enabling Export Chart

    I tried that already! but didn't work... so i changed php functions to javascript functions and finally exported(but i was able to export 2d equivalent(MSCombiDY2D) of the 3d chart(FCF_MSColumn3DLineDY) created using php functions). javascript's 3d chart didn't show context menu options (save as... options) to save the chart......
  20. How To Enable Legends

    can i enable legends in version 3.1?
  21. How To Enable Legends

    Thank this option available for column3d in version 3.1?
  22. I have created fusion charts which is displaying perfectly in firefox but not in chrome and IE. I have checked the javascipt and data xml all are same for all the three chrome and IE did not have <embed> tag i couldn't check it with firefox <embed> tag.... anyone please help me?
  23. Chrome And Ie Not Showing Charts

    <div class="tabbertab" title="Spend" id="DailySpend"> Fusion Charts </div> <div class="tabbertabhide" title="CPL" id="CplTrend"> </div> <div class="tabbertabhide" title="Lead" id="LeadTrend"> </div> here where three charts get rendered.... <script language="JavaScript"> showChart(); function showChart(){ var dailySpendChart = new FusionCharts("/ipk/includes/MSCombiDY2D.swf","dailyspend","700","301","0","1"); var dailySpendXml = "<graph caption='Daily Budget Trend' xAxisName='Day' pYAxisName='Daily Spend (Rs)' sYAxisName='Total Spend (Rs)' decimalPrecision='0' showValues='0' rotateNames='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='FFE8E8' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='/ipk/includes/FusionCharts_Developer/ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' exportFileName='DailySpendChart'><categories><category name='1-Jul-10' /><category name='2-Jul-10' /><category name='3-Jul-10' /><category name='4-Jul-10' /><category name='5-Jul-10' /><category name='6-Jul-10' /><category name='7-Jul-10' /><category name='8-Jul-10' /><category name='9-Jul-10' /><category name='10-Jul-10' /><category name='11-Jul-10' /><category name='12-Jul-10' /><category name='13-Jul-10' /><category name='14-Jul-10' /><category name='15-Jul-10' /><category name='16-Jul-10' /><category name='17-Jul-10' /><category name='18-Jul-10' /><category name='19-Jul-10' /><category name='20-Jul-10' /><category name='21-Jul-10' /><category name='22-Jul-10' /><category name='23-Jul-10' /><category name='24-Jul-10' /><category name='25-Jul-10' /><category name='26-Jul-10' /><category name='27-Jul-10' /><category name='28-Jul-10' /><category name='29-Jul-10' /><category name='30-Jul-10' /><category name='31-Jul-10' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Daily Spend'><set value='42062.99' /><set value='43764.99' /><set value='37658.35' /><set value='28329.48' /><set value='41840.59' /><set value='50850.04' /><set value='49848.56' /><set value='45065.12' /><set value='40099.74' /><set value='35948.89' /><set value='27262.46' /><set value='45572.02' /><set value='53191.11' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='ipk Target' color='F8DA12' parentYaxis='S'><set value='20967.75' /><set value='41935.5' /><set value='62903.25' /><set value='83871' /><set value='104838.75' /><set value='125806.5' /><set value='146774.25' /><set value='167742' /><set value='188709.75' /><set value='209677.5' /><set value='230645.25' /><set value='251613' /><set value='272580.75' /><set value='293548.5' /><set value='314516.25' /><set value='335484' /><set value='356451.75' /><set value='377419.5' /><set value='398387.25' /><set value='419355' /><set value='440322.75' /><set value='461290.5' /><set value='482258.25' /><set value='503226' /><set value='524193.75' /><set value='545161.5' /><set value='566129.25' /><set value='587097' /><set value='608064.75' /><set value='629032.5' /><set value='650000.25' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Total Spend' color='FF0000' parentYaxis='S'><set value='42062.99' /><set value='85827.98' /><set value='123486.33' /><set value='151815.81' /><set value='193656.4' /><set value='244506.44' /><set value='294355' /><set value='339420.12' /><set value='379519.86' /><set value='415468.75' /><set value='442731.21' /><set value='488303.23' /><set value='541494.34' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset></graph>"; //alert(dailySpendXml); dailySpendChart.setDataXML(dailySpendXml); dailySpendChart.render("DailySpend"); var cplTrendChart = new FusionCharts("/ipk/includes/MSCombiDY2D.swf","cpltrend","700","300","0","1"); var cplTrendXml = "<graph caption='CPL Trend' xAxisName='Day' yAxisName='CPL (Rs)' formatNumberScale='0' decimalPrecision='1' showValues='0' rotateNames='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='FFE8E8' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='/ipk/includes/FusionCharts_Developer/ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' exportFileName='CplTrendChart'><categories><category name='1-Jul-10' /><category name='2-Jul-10' /><category name='3-Jul-10' /><category name='4-Jul-10' /><category name='5-Jul-10' /><category name='6-Jul-10' /><category name='7-Jul-10' /><category name='8-Jul-10' /><category name='9-Jul-10' /><category name='10-Jul-10' /><category name='11-Jul-10' /><category name='12-Jul-10' /><category name='13-Jul-10' /><category name='14-Jul-10' /><category name='15-Jul-10' /><category name='16-Jul-10' /><category name='17-Jul-10' /><category name='18-Jul-10' /><category name='19-Jul-10' /><category name='20-Jul-10' /><category name='21-Jul-10' /><category name='22-Jul-10' /><category name='23-Jul-10' /><category name='24-Jul-10' /><category name='25-Jul-10' /><category name='26-Jul-10' /><category name='27-Jul-10' /><category name='28-Jul-10' /><category name='29-Jul-10' /><category name='30-Jul-10' /><category name='31-Jul-10' /></categories><trendlines> <line startValue='0' color='2AD62A' thickness='2' displayValue='Target0' showOnTop='1' /> </trendlines><dataset seriesName='Actual CPL' color='1D8BD1'><set value='96.47' /><set value='95.56' /><set value='95.82' /><set value='79.13' /><set value='82.36' /><set value='95.94' /><set value='100.50' /><set value='100.14' /><set value='97.33' /><set value='89.20' /><set value='84.14' /><set value='107.48' /><set value='104.30' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset></graph>"; //alert(cplTrendXml); cplTrendChart.setDataXML(cplTrendXml); cplTrendChart.render("CplTrend"); var leadTrendChart = new FusionCharts("/ipk/includes/MSCombiDY2D.swf","leadtrend","700","300","0","1"); var leadTrendXml = "<graph caption='Lead Trend' xAxisName='Day' pYAxisName='Daily Leads' sYAxisName='Total Leads' decimalPrecision='0' showValues='0' rotateNames='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='FFE8E8' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='/ipk/includes/FusionCharts_Developer/ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' exportFileName='LeadsTrendChart'><categories><category name='1-Jul-10' /><category name='2-Jul-10' /><category name='3-Jul-10' /><category name='4-Jul-10' /><category name='5-Jul-10' /><category name='6-Jul-10' /><category name='7-Jul-10' /><category name='8-Jul-10' /><category name='9-Jul-10' /><category name='10-Jul-10' /><category name='11-Jul-10' /><category name='12-Jul-10' /><category name='13-Jul-10' /><category name='14-Jul-10' /><category name='15-Jul-10' /><category name='16-Jul-10' /><category name='17-Jul-10' /><category name='18-Jul-10' /><category name='19-Jul-10' /><category name='20-Jul-10' /><category name='21-Jul-10' /><category name='22-Jul-10' /><category name='23-Jul-10' /><category name='24-Jul-10' /><category name='25-Jul-10' /><category name='26-Jul-10' /><category name='27-Jul-10' /><category name='28-Jul-10' /><category name='29-Jul-10' /><category name='30-Jul-10' /><category name='31-Jul-10' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Daily Leads'><set value='436' /><set value='458' /><set value='393' /><set value='358' /><set value='508' /><set value='530' /><set value='496' /><set value='450' /><set value='412' /><set value='403' /><set value='324' /><set value='424' /><set value='510' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Lead Target' color='F8DA12' parentYaxis='S'><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Total Leads' color='FF0000' parentYaxis='S'><set value='436' /><set value='894' /><set value='1287' /><set value='1645' /><set value='2153' /><set value='2683' /><set value='3179' /><set value='3629' /><set value='4041' /><set value='4444' /><set value='4768' /><set value='5192' /><set value='5702' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset></graph>"; //alert(leadTrendXml); leadTrendChart.setDataXML(leadTrendXml); leadTrendChart.render("LeadTrend"); } </script> this is the javascript thats rendering chart....... but this method(showchart) is not being called in IE and chrome...... I have tried with simple alert, thats also not working...... really frustrated by this behaviour!!!
  24. Hi, I am trying to save the exported charts at server side which is working correctly in my local wamp server but fails in live server. But i am able to download the chart with exportAction="download" when exportAction="save" it is not saving the file. I tried editing the export path but that is not working. Also I would like to know which is the default path for saving the exported charts. Anyone pls help me...
  25. Images Are Not Saving At Server Side

    Thanks for your support!....But the problem was file permission....someone has changed that..... Its is exporting now!!