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About jvegaseg

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I had tried all the ways this document (http://www.fusioncha...unctuation.html) says, but I can not get any results. I can not write also '+' sign, it echoes as %2B. Could you please show me an example using PHP? If I use a sentence in PHP like this: $this->FC->addMSStSubDataset("+5m",""); What is wrong in that code?
  2. The same problem occurs when you use the character ' (single quote). For example, if you put "caption=SMS's Enviados de la Empresa" in Chart Params, what you see in the graph is: "SMS%26apos;s Enviados de la Empresa"
  3. <FONT size=2> This is the class for the graphic (some parts of the code has been removed in order to simplicity): class Model_InformeEventosAgentesDiaria { # CLASS VARS .... function __construct($ref = null,$d = null, $m = null, $a = null) { # Codigo de inicialización .... # Creamos el Grafico $this->FC = new Model_Charts("MSStackedColumn2DLineDY",Model_Informes::GRAFICO_ANCHO,Model_Informes::GRAFICO_ALTO); # Atributos del Gráfico $strParam="showSum=1;showValues=0;divLineIsDashed=1;palette=2;caption=Estadisticas de Agentes Diaria de la Empresa $ref del mes $nombredelmes de $ano;xAxisName=Extensiones Telefónicas/Agentes;PYaxisname=Numero de Llamadas; SYaxisname=Duración Media (min);PYAxisMinValue=0;xAxisMinValue=1;"; # Asignamos atributos $this->FC->setChartParams($strParam); #añadimos categorias $usuarios = new Model_Dialerusuarios(); $result = $usuarios->queryExtensiones($this->_ref); $arrayextensiones = array(); $arrayresultados = array(); while(($row = $result->fetch()) != false) { $ext = $row['EXTENSION']; $this->FC->addCategory("$ext","x=$ext;showVerticalLine=1"); $arrayextensiones[] = "$ext"; $arrayresultados["$ext"] = 0; } $extensiones = implode(',',$arrayextensiones); $sql = new Model_Sql(Model_Tools::BILLING_DATABASE()); # Añadimos Valores y DataSets CONTESTADAS $this->FC->createMSStDataset(); $this->FC->addMSStSubDataset("Contestadas","color=336600;"); $consulta = "SELECT CE_EXTENSION AS C1, count(*) AS C2 FROM EVENTS WHERE CE_EXTENSION IN ($extensiones) AND CE_EMPRESA = '$ref' AND EVENT = 'DIALOUT' AND MONTH(FECHA)= $mes AND YEAR(FECHA)= $ano AND DAY(FECHA)= $dia AND REQUESTID = 'VOZINTEL' AND HANGUP = 'ANSWER' GROUP BY C1 ORDER BY C1 ASC"; $result = $sql->query($consulta); while (($row = $result->fetch()) != false) { $arrayresultados[$row["C1"]] = $row["C2"]; } foreach($arrayresultados as $index => $value) { $this->FC->addChartData("$value","label=$index;"); $arrayresultados[$index] = 0; // Para la próxima consulta } # Other DATASETS .... # Add Multi-series lineset for showing lines $this->FC->addMSLineset("Duración Entrantes","lineThickness=3; color=000033; "); $consulta = "SELECT SUBSTR(CALLEDNUMBER,6) AS C1, AVG(DURACION) AS C2 FROM EVENTS WHERE SUBSTR(CALLEDNUMBER,6) IN ($extensiones) AND CE_EMPRESA = '$ref' AND MONTH(FECHA)= $mes AND YEAR(FECHA)= $ano AND DAY(FECHA)= $dia AND REQUESTID = 'VOZINTEL' AND EVENT = 'DIALIN' AND HANGUP = 'ANSWER' GROUP BY C1 ORDER BY C1 ASC"; $result = NULL; $result = $sql->query($consulta); while (($row = $result->fetch()) != false) { $index = $row["C1"]; $arrayresultados[$index] = $row["C2"]/60; } foreach($arrayresultados as $index => $value) { $this->FC->addMSLinesetData("$value","label=$index; hoverText=Duración media Llamadas Entrantes EXT $index = ".round($value,2)." minutos"); $arrayresultados[$index] = 0; // Para la próxima consulta } // Media Mensual $consulta = "SELECT AVG(DURACION) AS C1 FROM EVENTS WHERE (CE_EXTENSION IN ($extensiones) OR SUBSTR(CALLEDNUMBER,6) IN ($extensiones)) AND CE_EMPRESA = '$ref' AND (EVENT = 'DIALOUT' OR EVENT = 'DIALIN') AND MONTH(FECHA)= $mes AND YEAR(FECHA)= $ano AND DAY(FECHA)= $dia AND REQUESTID = 'VOZINTEL' AND HANGUP = 'ANSWER'" ; $result = NULL; $valor = $sql->calcula($consulta); $media = round($valor/60,2); $minutos = floor($media); $segundos= $valor % 60; if($segundos<10) $segundos_txt = "0".$segundos; else $segundos_txt = $segundos; $this->FC->addTrendLine("parentYAxis=S;startValue=$media;endValue=$media;color=FF6600;displayvalue= m=$minutos:$segundos_txt; thickness=3;alpha=100;isTrendZone=0;showOnTop=0;valueOnRight=1"); } function render() { # Dibujamos el gráfico $this->FC->renderChart(); } } And this is de Model_Charts used in previous class:
  4. No it does not work, it prints the same.
  5. I have just upgraded FusionChart to version 3.2 and it has a bug when display labes whitch contain an equial sign in the label. Example: label "m=3.2" is shown as "m%3d3.2".