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About fedorovmatt

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  1. Charts Keep Disappearing In Updatepanel

    The drillDown function just displays a label with the 'arg' passed. For example if I click the 'Bachelor of Arts' column the label will read 'Bachelor of Arts' private void drillDown(string arg) { Label1.Visible = true; Label1.Text = arg; }
  2. I am having a problem with adding links to a column chart. . The link is intended to change the text of a label. I use a javascript _doPostBack call to call a asp.net function. The function executed successfully, but then the chart disappears. This is the screenshot of the chart before we click on a column This is the screenshot of the chart after a column is clicked. If we click on the 'Bachelor of Arts', the label correctly displays what is clicked, however the chart disappears. Here is my javascript <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- function myJS(myVar) { // window.alert(myVar); __doPostBack("CollegeChartsUp", "drillDown$" + myVar); } // --></script> Here is page_load protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Show a blank Column2D Chart at first updateChart(); } else { // updateChart(); // Handle Ajax PostBack Call // store Asp.Net Ajax special HTTP request // __EVENTARGUMENT holds value passed by JS function -__doPostBack //The value can be like "drillDown$1" //We take $ as delimiter so we get drillDown as the function to call //and 1 as the factory id. It can vary depending on the pie slice clicked. String sEventArguments = Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]; if (sEventArguments != null) { //extract arguments passed to the HTTP Request Int32 iDelimiter = sEventArguments.IndexOf('$'); String sArgument = sEventArguments.Substring(iDelimiter + 1); // extract the name of the post back function if (sEventArguments.StartsWith("drillDown")) { // call the post back function passing the argument(s) drillDown(sArgument); } } } } Here is the chart creation function that creates the javascript links private void updateChart() { GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource2; GridView1.DataBind(); StringBuilder strXML = new StringBuilder(); strXML.AppendFormat("<chart caption='Top Degrees' showborder='0' bgcolor='FFFFFF' bgalpha='100' subcaption='Daily Production' xAxisName='Day' yAxisName='Units' rotateLabels='1' placeValuesInside='1' rotateValues='1' >"); foreach (DataRow dataRow in ((DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)).Table.Rows) { //string link = "j-myJS-" + dataRow["DegreeType"].ToString(); string link = "javascript:myJS("" + dataRow["DegreeType"].ToString() + "")"; strXML.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' Link='{2}'/>", dataRow["DegreeType"].ToString(), dataRow["Students"].ToString(),link); } strXML.Append("</chart>"); // Set Proper output content-type string outPut = ""; //when a ajax call is made we use RenderChartHTML method outPut = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", strXML.ToString(), "chart1", "445", "350", false, false); //Clear Panel control which will contain the chart Panel2.Controls.Clear(); //Add Litaral control to Panel which adds the chart from outPut string Panel2.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(outPut)); }