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Everything posted by Chumbak

  1. Fusionchart On Ipad/iphone

    Hi Team, i am using fusionchart v3.2 version it works fine with IE8 and FF but does not display the charts(graphs) in ipad simulator/emulator. If i open the fusion chart demo examples on ipad graphs are not displayed. i follwed the steps given in the documentation Pleae suggest if i am missing some link here. let me know if you need more details. Thanks.
  2. Fusionchart On Ipad/iphone

    I have one more doubt with the upgrading older funsion chart with newer version v3.2. We are using embeded flash chart i.e using class id object. if i simply follow the documentation to upgrade the chart will it work in case of flash charts with class id as well. pls suggest if any changes. thanks.
  3. Fusionchart On Ipad/iphone

    Hi, this is what in the FusionChart.js file @version 3.2.1-release, even i tried with debug mode flag set to 1 it shows the same version as above. and i have all the latest files. Thanks
  4. Fusionchart On Ipad/iphone

    Hi Angie, may be the simulator problem, i wish i could test it on Ipad . Let me check with my counterpart and get back to you. Thank you so much for the help. have a nice time. Thanks
  5. Fusionchart On Ipad/iphone

    Hi Angie, Thanks for the quick response. I verified the steps you had provided.seems like i have set the flag to 1. Here is my code snippet. it displays the chart in IE fine. <html> <head> <title>My First chart using FusionCharts - Using JavaScript</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/highcharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> //FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash(); var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Charts/Pie3D.swf","myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> </body> </html> data.xml <chart showValues='1' valuePosition='auto' rotateValues='1' registerWithJS='1' caption='Monthly Revenue' subcaption='Month' primaryAxisOnLeft='0' yAxisName='Revenue' numberPrefix='$' > <set label='Jan' value='420000' /> <set label='Feb' value='910000' /> <set label='Mar' value='720000' valuePosition='bottom' /> <set label='Apr' value='550000' valuePosition='bottom' /> <set label='May' value='810000' valuePosition='above' /> <set label='Jun' value='510000' valuePosition='auto' /></chart> Pls let me know any thoughts.