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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Render HTML5 charts with the PHP API?

    Hi, The way Sashibhushan had mentioned is used to generate the charts from the PHP API and the way you have mentioned is used to render charts through FusionCharts constructor.
  2. Hi, We are planning to ship a self hosted Export handler module in next quarter.
  3. Exporting data

    Hi, The support for exporting the chart data as CSV is being still supported in FusionCharts XT v3.4.0. FusionCharts("chartID")getCSVData(); Please refer to : http://docs.fusioncharts.com/FusionCharts.html#item-getCSVData
  4. Randomize Palette Color

    Hi, Yes, you can define custom colors followed by colors mentioned in the palleteColors attribute. <chart caption='Monthly' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' numberPrefix='$' showValues='0' paletteColors= '#0075c2,#1aaf5d'> <set label='Jan' value='420000' color='00008B'/> <set label='Feb' value='910000' color='EEBBCC'/> <set label='Mar' value='720000' /> <set label='Apr' value='550000' /> <set label='May' value='810000' /> <set label='June' value='810000' /> </chart> Hope this helps.
  5. Hi, Yes, you can pass JS variable to FusionCharts constructor as you've mentioned in the post.
  6. Issue with negative coordinates at bubble chart

    Hey, Issue is not replicated using the latest version of FusionCharts Suite. Can you please confirm the version of FusionCharts used?
  7. Hey, This attribute works with latest version of FusionCharts Suite v3.4 <chart caption='Monthly' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' numberPrefix='$' showValues='0' exportEnabled='1' toolbarHalign='left'> <set label='Jan' value='420000' /> <set label='Feb' value='910000' /> ...... </chart> Hope this helps.
  8. showLabels=0 not working

    Yes, we would do the needful.
  9. Changing caption and sub

    Hi, Glad to know you've found the answer. setChartAttribute(attributes, value) API would help you to achieve your requirement.
  10. Hi, To replace the above code, we have added a new attribute "toobarHAlign" to avoid overlapping. Can you try adding "toobarHAlign"=left' " in the chart XML code? This would help us to put the export button on left and avoid overlapping. Ref. Code: <chart toobarHAlign='left'....> Hope this helps.
  11. dual Y

    Hi, No, ZoomLine chart does not support Dual Y axis.
  12. yAxisMinValue is not considered

    Hi, The divisional line calculation would be divided equally on both sides of the planes. You can drop a mail to "[email protected]" quoting this forum post.
  13. Hey, The chart is rendered while using v3.2.2. Please find the screenshot attached.
  14. Hey, Currently, we do not support any attribute to count the number of occurrence within a column field. If you would like to visualize the count to be depicted in a chart, retrieve the count from database through coding at your end and pass it to XML/JSON data to render the chart. Hope this helps.
  15. How To Make The Background Transparent?

    Hey, Can you please try using "containerBackgroundOpacity" element as 0 and pass it to FusionCharts constructor? Ref. Code: FusionCharts.ready(function () { var myChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'column2d', renderAt: 'chart-container', containerBackgroundOpacity : '0' }); Hope this helps.
  16. Problem with zoom line

    Hey, Apologies for the delayed response. I'm unable to replicate the issue on Zoomline charts using IE browser and Windows 8 OS. Please find the screenshot attached.
  17. showLabels=0 not working

    Hey, Attribute is named as "labelStep". This attribute is used to skip the data labels by the values specified for "labelStep" on the X-axis. Hope this helps.
  18. Hey, Vertical TrendLines are not supported by JavaScript ZoomLine chart. It has been added to our wishlist. Once implemented, we would keep you posted.
  19. yAxisMinValue is not considered

    Hi, Try providing "yaxisminvalue" as "-600000" in the chart element. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi Qasim, Can you confirm if the issue is visible for charts rendered as Flash or JavaScript? I'm unable to replicate the issue using the latest version of FusionCharts XT v3.4 while rendering charts in JavaScript mode. Download link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/ Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Issue does seems to exist with FusionCharts XT v3.4. Can you please try upgrading to the latest version of FusionCharts XT v3.4? For Evaluation version : http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/ Do check with our latest release and let us know if your issue has been resolved?
  22. How to remove gradient from Legends.

    Hi, Legends are having gradient (two colors) in it. while I want to make this only one color (Color that I have picked) not the white color. >> Try setting "usePlotGradientColor" attribute to 0 in chart element. Plus is there a way to increase or decrease the size of the image apearing in the legend. >>Try using "legendIconScale" attribute. This attrbute helps in scaling of legend icon and controls the size. Range: 1-5 Hope this helps.
  23. Chart properties in FC 3.4 & Documentation

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. * Inside the documentation of Multi-series 2D, in the "Divisional Lines and Grids" section, the property "numvdivlines" is missing. It was there in the FC v3.3.1SR1 doc and it still works under v3.4. >>Vertical divisional lines are supported in a line/area chart. This attribute is present in Multi Series Line/Area chart docs. * The property "showVDivLines" has changed in FC 3.4 for Multi-series 2D. If showVDivLines=1 then *each* value gets a vLine, ignoring the values of the "labelstep" and "numvdivlines" properties. Is it a bug or is this change in behavior not documented? >> "showVDivLines" is supported only by ZoomLine charts till FC v3.3.1-SR3. However, the same functionality has been extended to Line/Area chart in v3.4 and documentation is "InProgress". If you would like to show divisional lines less than category count, please specify "numVDivLines" attribute. Hope this helps.
  24. Div lines not showing in Column Charts

    Hi, Can you please update the following line of code as chartConfig.adjustDiv = '0'; in DiVLineIssue.html file? Hope this helps.