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About nam2080

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  1. Issues With Pie Chart - Js Version

    To resolve these javascript issues in non flash browsers or OS, I downloaded latest highchart.js from (trail version) and replaced the highchart.js available in FusionChart package. This resolves lot of javascript issues like - Overlapping of labels in Pie, animation when we click on Pie etc also lot of bugs are fixed in Column Bar charts. If FusionChart team can do this and fix some minor issues, it will be great help. And also please tell when we will get the updated version of FusionChart. Thanks
  2. Hi, Before I type my issues and problem, I would like to Thanks to FusionChart Team . Here is my issues specially with JS-version of Charts, Pie - JS version, Getting solution for the below issues will be great help. I am using Fusion Chart v3 ("FusionCharts_EnterpriseEx" which is paid version) XML: <chart caption="Spending Report" numberPrefix="$" formatNumberScale="0" formatNumber="1" animation="1" decimals="2" forceDecimals="1" showShadow="1" showPercentValues="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" showBorder="0" showZeroPies="0" showPercentInToolTip="0" enableRotation="0" use3DLighting="1"> <set label="Wholesale" value="1392.0" color="CCCC66" isSliced="0"/> <set label="other Stores" value="1492.0" color="66CD66" isSliced="0"/> </chart> Code in HTML: <div id="chartContainer1">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); chart3D = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "Chart_1", "300", "300", "0", "1" ); chart3D.setXMLUrl("Data1.xml"); chart3D.render("chartContainer1"); // --> </script> Issue 1: Attributes like showPercentValues="1" and showPercentInToolTip="0" works fine with Flash version but in JS version displays both tooltip and value in percentage only. Issue 2: I need to display a Pie chart which should skip Zero values. I have used attribute showZeroPies="0", this works fine for Flash version but fails in JS version. Issue 3: On click of JS version of Pie Chart when it is 100% (single set value node), it just moves away from the actual position . where as in Flash, it stays in its location. Thanks in advance