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About oShaggy

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi All, I have a chart that I'm using setXMLUrl('api.php?offset=1') to load data from and hooked up a form button with a click() event to advance the offset parameter allowing the user to page through the data on the chart. I've seen the live steaming data option and like how seamlessly that the chart data is updated. My problem is that when i use javascript to set the new data offset ( setXMLUrl('api.php?offset=2') ) the chart blanks out to white, and then redraws with it's new data. It kind of flashes from the old data, to white where the chart is erased, and then draws the new data. I have animation="0" but can't find another option to achieve an immediate redraw. How can I get the chart to refresh immediately with the new data? Thank you!