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About noah977

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Can't get Chart Object

    I have an interesting puzzle. This works perfectly in a standard HTML page, but I can't seem to get it working in ExtJS. Here is what I do in the HTML: 1) Draw a chart (with Fusion) in a DIV tag. 2) Reference the DIV tag in javascript to call setDataURL. This updates the chart data without a full page reload So, In Extjs: 1) Draw the chart in the HTML div 2) Load the DIV into a Panel using contentEl 3) call setDataURL on the chart DIV from a handler function. 4) **** ERROR! I get an error that chart DIV doesn't exist. This is weird, because Firebug show it in the DOM inspector Can someone help me sort this one out. The Javascript is: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("Charts/ScrollLine2D.swf", "chartHistory", "900", "400", "0", "1"); function updateHandler1(){ var nf = Ext.get('g1feed').getValue(); var st = Ext.get('g1term').getValue(); var dt = Ext.get('g1date').getValue(); var newurl = '/v7/chartxml.php?'+ 'nf=' + nf + '&st='+ st + '&dt=' + dt; Ext.Msg.alert('New URL is', newurl); var chartObj = getChartFromId(chartHistory); chartObj.setDataURL(newurl); }