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About tessy790

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi Please help, I need to put some widgets inside an update panel that will be updated using a dropdownlist. The problem is that I have other widgets in another panel that I dont want to update when the dropdownlist is selected. I tried using the trigger event attached to the update panel but the widget does not render to screen. Is there any way to call the Javascript to render the widget on postback? Or is there an easy way to do this. Any suggestions welcome
  2. Stacked chart problem

    *Problem solved*
  3. I am trying to create a stacked chart reading data from a database. I dont understand how to display all the data. I have am testing it using one category which has three results (week 1, 20, 30, 40) I've changed <> with {} so that I could get it showing up properly. Do you have to loop through the database? sql string is - string strSQL = "SELECT Student_kudos.points, Kudos.week, Kudos.Title FROM Kudos INNER JOIN Student_kudos ON Kudos.KudosID = Student_kudos.KudosID WHERE (Student_kudos.studentID = 'xxxxxx') AND (Student_kudos.status = 'true')AND Kudos.week ='1'order by Kudos.week"; strXML.AppendFormat("{chart palette='1' caption='Weekly Kudos Breakdown' shownames='1' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='$' showSum='1' decimals='0' overlapColumns='0'}"); strXML.AppendFormat("{categories}{category label='week 1'/}{/categories}"); strXML.AppendFormat("{dataset seriesName='1' showValues='0'}"); strXML.AppendFormat("{set value='{0}'/}", oRs.ReadData["points"].ToString()); strXML.AppendFormat("{set value='{0}'/}", oRs.ReadData["points"].ToString()); strXML.AppendFormat("{set value='{0}'/}", oRs.ReadData["points"].ToString()); strXML.AppendFormat("{/dataset}"); Thanks in advance