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Everything posted by litlmike

  1. I am trying to figure out if I stumbled across a bug in the Radar Chart, or if I made some silly mistake that I can't seem to diagnose. I have a Radar Chart. Yesterday, I tried some various color schemes and then uploaded the results to a remote beta site before I went to bed. When I woke up today I noticed that my local copy of the Radar chart looked dramatically different than what I uploaded. I thought that maybe I had accidentally made a change that I didn't notice, but I have re-created the Radar Chart locally and still getting the same strange behavior. I then compared the rendering code from the local and remote site and found that they are identical. At that point, I began to think that there is a bug in the radar chart. I did some various settings and the only clue I seemed to get is that the issue may have something to do with allowing transparency in the background. But, again the code rendered is the same. Here is the code and here are the pics to show how they are turning out. Also, I am using ASP.NET/C#. Thanks for the help Working Code: var chart_radarScores = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "xml", "renderAt" : "radarScoresDiv", "id" : "radarScores", "debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" : "/FusionCharts/Radar.swf", "wMode" : "transparent", "width" : "600", "height" : "400", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "<chart caption='Your BioForce Fitness Scores' decimals='2' showBorder='0' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='0' baseFontColor='cc9900' baseFontSize='14' plotFillColor='666666' plotFillAlpha='85' plotBorderColor='660000' radarBorderColor='333333' radarFillColor='cc0000' radarFillAlpha='50' ><categories><category label='Aerobic Fitness' /><category label='Cardio Fitness' /><category label='Muscular Endurance' /><category label='Anaerobic Fitness' /><category label='Explosive Power' /><category label='Strength' /></categories><dataset ><set value='6.8247619' /><set value='6.8247619' /><set value='5.2739560' /><set value='6.4518625' /><set value='6.7997485' /><set value='6.1828305' /></dataset></chart>"}).render(); Working Pic: By litlmike at 2011-06-03 Not Working Code: var chart_radarScores = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "xml", "renderAt" : "radarScoresDiv", "id" : "radarScores", "debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" : "/FusionCharts/Radar.swf", "wMode" : "transparent", "width" : "600", "height" : "400", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "<chart caption='Your BioForce Fitness Scores' decimals='2' showBorder='0' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='0' baseFontColor='cc9900' baseFontSize='14' plotFillColor='666666' plotFillAlpha='85' plotBorderColor='660000' radarBorderColor='333333' radarFillColor='cc0000' radarFillAlpha='50' ><categories><category label='Aerobic Fitness' /><category label='Cardio Fitness' /><category label='Muscular Endurance' /><category label='Anaerobic Fitness' /><category label='Explosive Power' /><category label='Strength' /></categories><dataset ><set value='6.8247619' /><set value='6.8247619' /><set value='5.2739560' /><set value='6.4518625' /><set value='6.7997485' /><set value='6.1828305' /></dataset></chart>"}).render(); Not Working Pic: By litlmike at 2011-06-03
  2. Radar Chart Font Properties Bug?

    I think I resolved this issue. I believe it was a global machine setting either (software or hardware) that was creating the issue. I am glad to have resolved this, because I was pretty darn sure my coding was accurate. Thanks
  3. Hello, I am trying to use the FusionCharts Evaluation version to demo the charts before we buy them. I have tried including them into our current project but I am receiving the following error: "The type or namespace name 'InfosoftGlobal' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" For some reason, we can use the demo website under the Download Package > Code > CS folders; we are able to use the "Start Debugging" mode under Visual Studio 2010. However, when trying to bring it over into our current project, is is not finding the 'InfosoftGlobal' namespace. I am going through the online documentation, specifically: (section: Using FusionCharts with ASP.NET 2.0 (C#) > Basic Example) I have done the following: 1) Copied the charts and JavaScript class files contained in Download Package > Code > CS > FusionCharts folder, to our project's root directory 2) Copied the FusionCharts.dll (contained in Download Package > Code > CS > Bin folder) to the 'bin' folder of our Project. 3) Copied FusionCharts.cs file from Download Package > Code > CS > src folder to our App_Code folder. 4) Copied the FusionCharts.dll (contained in Download Package > Code > CS > Bin folder), to the our GAC (Global Assembly Cache) of the Developer's machine. I went to C:\Windows\Assembly folder and dragged and dropped FusionCharts.dll into this folder (Windows 7 Enterprise) 5) Went to the root folder of our Project and entered the following lines under the web.config file: <assemblies> <add assembly="FusionCharts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=58bb3098fe7f0ede"/> </assemblies> 6) Created a new page (SimpleChart.aspx) to continue with the online documentations and tried typing "using InfosoftGlobal;" in the code-behind page when I got the error described above. 7) I even added a reference to FusionCharts.dll into your project, because it wasn't working. Suggestions?
  4. I've found the Online Documentation to be fairly helpful, but I can't seem to find a few simple things in there, that I would have expected to find very quickly. The main one is any examples showing how to make Horizontal Charts. As of now, it's taken me quite some time to figure out how to do this, and I still can't figure it out after several hours. It is a great discouragement for purchasing a license, when I can't find some of the features that I would expect should be easy changes. It would be great if the Online Documentation, could easily spell out a full example of this. Thanks
  5. Online Documentation Simple Suggestion

    Another thing that is not in the documentation: Is there certain charts that are ONLY vertical or ONLY horizontal? I keep reading posts that say to switch the .swf file being used, but I've never seen any code provided that says something like "chartOrientation='horizontal". This makes me think that maybe only certain charts are horizontal; but, if that is the case, that information is NOT in the Online Documentation. As much as I am enjoying the use of FusionCharts, this has become a big frustration and I hope that I find a solution. Thanks again for your assistance.
  6. Horizontal Chart

    Can someone please provide the code to produce a horizontal bar chart?
  7. Display Horizontal Bar Chart

    Is there a parameter that determines whether a chart is horizontal or vertical? I've spent over an hour searching through the, but can't find it anywhere. Currently, I am trying to use a chart horizontally.