Miguel Leeuwe

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About Miguel Leeuwe

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    Forum Newbie
  1. In spanish got the following message: Un script de ésta película está provocando que el reproductor de flash se ejecute lentamente. Si continua ejecutándose, su pc podría no responder. ¿Desea anular el script? In english it would be something like: "A script in this movie is causing Flash Player to run slowly". First I thought it was my latest Flash update, but it wasn't. - My code is setting the yAxisMaxValue attribute. I tried changing the regional settings of my computer to British (normally spanish) and that changed thousand and decimal characters. The value for yAxisMaxValue now had something like 40.450.3 (which is wrong). The appearance of two dots in the value provoced this funny Flash / Explorer error. Next time I'll check my code before reinstalling 4 diferent flash versions but I thought this might be usefull information to anyone. Especially for the ones playing with regional settings Miguel L