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About Scipio

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    Junior Member
  1. I am also interested in this as it seems to be a problem, is there any chance that this will be fixed?
  2. Rather then implementing the autoscroll, what you can do is before trying to export the charts move all of the charts to the top of your page. Instead of moving them so that they are fully visible, leave only one column of pixels visible in the top left. This way the flash player in IE thinks that the charts are in the visible area and will give them processor time for rendering and for gathering image data. If you set the chart div style.position equal to 'fixed' then the charts will remain in the top left of the screen even when you scroll. The charts will appear to disappear from your page, but you can move them back once they are done having their image data collected. You may consider implementing a grayout so that this disappear/reappear is less obvious.
  3. Thanks for the response, I realized my problem was that you needed a placeholder exporthandler within the XML of the chart so that it would actually process the image. It would be nice if there was a way to get jpeg information instead of RLE, is there some kind of conversion script included in your client side export handler? Otherwise everything is well now. Thanks, -Scipio
  4. So far getImageData is only working fro maps and gauges, not charts.
  5. I believe getImageData may be what I want, if I can get it to work, any confirmation would still be appreciated. Thanks, -Scipio
  6. Hi, Thank you for your help on my previous posts, but I have another question. I am interested in accessing the information in the middle of the chart export process, after the flash file has scraped itself for the byte data, (or svg or whatever it is), but before it makes the servlet call to the server side export handler. I would like to package up that byte data myself and include it as part of a larger Form post. Is there any easy way to do this? I am hoping to avoid editing the fla files (if that is even possible) and would prefer to stick within javacode. Thanks, -Scipio
  7. Thank you for the Response.
  8. Chart Export paused in IE8 when off screen

    Would it be possible to get the bug number, or a link to the bug report for adobe? This is quite an important issue. Thanks, -Scipio
  9. I found after I posted, it seems to be the same issue, I am using Version 10.2 though, not 10.1, I take it this has still not been resolved?
  10. Hi, I am trying to finish up exporting of charts (using server side export) and I have noticed some strange behavior. This only happens in Internet explorer, but when I try and export the charts by calling chart.exportChart (after they have fully rendered in the browser), any charts that are not currently on screen (they are further down the page) do not gather image data at all. If I scroll down so that they are visible they begin gathering the information but any charts that I have scrolled away from pause in their image gathering until I scroll back up to them again. I require that all charts gather their image data, no matter if they are currently on screen or not. They are all on the same page, and they have all rendered successfully. This behavior does not occur in Firefox or Chrome, there everything works fine. If this is a limitation of IE 8 is there any way around it? Thanks, -Scipio
  11. Fusioncharts Compatibility With Prototype

    I proceeded to try the second thing you mentioned, adding jQuery myself and using another script block to set jQuery into noConflict mode, and that worked great. I no longer revive JavaScript errors or strange behavior. I am grateful for the assistance and to jQuery for providing this functionality. Thanks, -Scipio
  12. Fusioncharts Compatibility With Prototype

    Thank you for the response. I am adding the prototype.js first, and Fusioncharts.js after. I am not adding jquery or highcharts to the page myself, I let Fusioncharts do so. I am using the latest files (Fusioncharts.js, highcharts.js, and jquery.min.js) from the Powercharts paid version. I have also tried the files form the Fusioncharts paid version, with the same result. Jquery is still overriding the $ function that prototype requires to function. I know this because I receive some javascript errors and odd behavior on my page, and the use of firebug shows me that jquery is acting on some of the variables in prototype.js when prototype calls $ with them. This problem only shows up when using the javascript/HTML rendering of charts. Thanks, Scipio
  13. HI, I have recently been upgrading to FusionCharts 3.2.1 and I am encountering problems with compatibility with our existing use of Prototype. Because Highcharts uses jquery it seems like the $ function is being overridden. I know that jquery contains the ability to set a noConflict mode and it seems like Fusioncharts.js is making of use of that (from what I can tell of the debug js file), but perhaps highcharts is not. Is there a way to force Fusioncharts/Highcharts to be compatible with Prototype that does not involve making direct changes to the functions and function calls contained within the provided javascript files? Thanks, - Scipio